Hello and welcome to my Web Folio.

This website will provide you with an overview of my suitability for the Structural Co-op Student role at RJC Engineers. See the above menu to navigate through the different pages. The About Me section describes my recent academic and professional activities, as well as my future career goals. The Resume page attests to my eligibility for the Structural Co-op Student role by presenting you with a summary of my experience, qualifications, and skills. Instructions for navigating my job application documents can be found on the Application Package page. These documents elaborate on the resume content and can be found in the Application Package drop-down menu. Hovering your mouse over the Best Work tab will show two pages: Assignments and Blogs, which include examples of my strong technical writing skills. The Best Work page from the menu provides brief descriptions of the requirements and purpose of each assignment. You can return to the navigation instructions by selecting Homepage in the menu or clicking the website title.

Should you have any questions about the content of the Web Folio feel free to contact me at skrieg@student.ubc.ca or 555-250-9977.