To: Ms. Anushka Nair; Ms. Jessica Lan Barlescu; Ms. Jeemin Kim, ENGL 301 Students

From: Ms. Samantha Krieg, ENGL 301 Student

Date: 05/07/2022

Subject: LinkedIn Networking Best Practices Memo


As we learn about professional communication, I wanted to share ten networking best practices for LinkedIn. LinkedIn is instrumental for meeting people in your industry and maintaining existing connections. Professional networking is crucial at the start of a career, and the following tips will maximize your efforts.

  1. Selecting a professional, personalized photo helps represent the message you wish to convey (Student Services).
  2. Try writing a polite, personalized message when requesting a new connection to spark their interest (Student Services).
  3. Requesting recommendations from a co-worker familiar with your work from each company you worked for will certify your skills (Student Services).
  4. Customizing the ‘Jobs’ tab on LinkedIn using filters will streamline your job search (Student Services).
  5. When submitting applications, check the LinkedIn profiles of your connections to see if they work for a company in which you are interested. If so, consider asking them questions about the company to strengthen your application (Student Services).
  6. Using one to three hashtags will optimize the visibility of your posts (Schaffer).
  7. Focusing on transferrable skills when describing your past positions will show potential employers the relevance of your experience to their position (Student Services).
  8. Adding appropriate and friendly comments to posts from your connections can help build and maintain professional relationships (Deehan).
  9. Taking skills assessments on Linked in will increase your chances of finding a job (Deehan).
  10. Try writing a summary elaborating on your skills relevant to the position you are searching for and include examples of how you have demonstrated these skills in previous positions to catch the attention of recruiters (Deehan).

As you can see, these tips are simple to execute and can make your profile stand out. I hope that these LinkedIn best practices help you expand your professional network.


Works Cited

Deehan, Jane. “20 Steps to a Better LinkedIn Profile in 2022.” LinkedIn Sales Blog, LinkedIn, 1 Jan. 2022,

Schaffer, Neal. “21 LinkedIn Best Practices for Business Professionals to Follow for Success.” Neal Schaffer, 5 Sept. 2021,

Student Services. “How to Make the Most of LinkedIn.” University of British Columbia Student Services, University of British Columbia, 24 Aug. 2021,