Digital-Age Teaching Professionals

I think the order of the standards is no coincidence. My initial impression is that “facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity” and “design and develop digital-age learning experiences and assessment” are the most important and unique aspects of the standards. The last two standards are almost generic in nature and can be applied to many different disciplines with a few changes in words.

I suppose that I’ve been dabbling aspects that deal with the 2nd standard for a year or so. But the trick, and the thing I’m pretty sure I know little to nothing about, is meeting the goals of the 1st standard. To me, this is the key to the digital-age teaching professional. Perhaps we are still very much in the infancy of knowing how to create digital methods, media and tools that are not only engaging but also able to reveal conceptual understanding and thinking. And if we are in the infancy, then that is encouraging because there are already a lot of tools that let students explore creativity and cognitive constructions. For example, from the student side we have things like glogster and prezi, which are engaging and improve upon some of the more traditional paradigms.

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