
Region of Waterloo Open Data

  • Region of Waterloo. (2016). Creeks. Retrieved from
  • Region of Waterloo. (September 2010). Rivers. Retrieved from
  • Region of Waterloo. (June 2016). Building Footprints. Retrieved from
  • Region of Waterloo. (June 2013). City Town Villages Boundaries. Retrieved from
  • Region of Waterloo. (2014). Digital Elevation Model. Retrieved from

Land Information Ontario Open Data

  • Land Information Ontario. (2013). Detailed Soil Survey Compilation: Ontario. Retrieved from
  • Land Information Ontario. (2014). Southern Ontario Land Resource Information System Version 2.0. Retrieved from


  • Government of Canada; Natural Resources Canada; Earth Sciences Sector; Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation. (July 2016) National Road Network (NRN). Retrieved from