Refereed Publications

2021 — Han, Chung-hye, Keir Moulton, Trevor Block, Holly Gendron &  Sander Nederveen. Pronouns are as sensitive to structural constraints as reflexives in early processing: evidence from visual world paradigm eye-tracking.  Front. Psychol. 12:611466. https://doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.611466

2020 — Moulton, Keir,  Chung-hye Han, Trevor Block, Holly Gendron &  Sander Nederveen. Singular they in context. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics.  5(1): 122. 1-13.

Proceeding Papers

2024 — Nederveen, Sander. Bare roots or a lack thereof in Interior Salish. In D. K. E. Reisinger, Laura Griffin, Ella Hannon, Gloria Mellesmoen, Sander Nederveen, Bruce Oliver, Julia Schillo, Lauren Schneider, Bailey Trotter (eds.). Papers for the International Conference on Salish and Neighboring Languages 59. 423-433. Vancouver, BC: UBCWPL[pdf]

2024 — Nederveen, Sander & Bruce Oliver. Ways of expressing ability in Secwepemctsín. In D. K. E. Reisinger, Laura Griffin, Ella Hannon, Gloria Mellesmoen, Sander Nederveen, Bruce Oliver, Julia Schillo, Lauren Schneider, Bailey Trotter (eds.). Papers for the International Conference on Salish and Neighboring Languages 59.  434-444Vancouver, BC: UBCWPL[pdf]

2024 — Rullmann, Hotze & Sander Nederveen. A wh discourse particle: Dutch hoezo. In Patrick Farrell (ed). Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America 9 (1). [pdf]

2024 — Nederveen, Sander. Maximal and non-minimal change of state in Salish event structure. In Mariana Calderón-Corona, Polina Kasyanova, and Eva Neu (eds). Proceedings of Semantics of Under-Represented Languages in the Americas 12: 83-98. Amherst, MA: GLSA Publications. [pre-publication pdf]

2022 — Nederveen, SanderDouble Perfects in Swiss German. In A. Hernandez and Chris Plyley (Eds.). Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association. [pdf]

2021 — Davis, Henry & Sander NederveenHli, Focus, and Relativization in Gitksan. In D. K. E. Reisinger, Hannah Green, Laura Griffin, Marianne Huijsmans, Gloria Mellesmoen, and Bailey Trotter (eds.). Papers for the International Conference on Salish and Neighboring Languages 56: 1-32. Vancouver, BC: UBCWPL[pdf]

2021 — Navarro, Michel & Sander Nederveen. Comparative Notes on the Determiner re in Secwepemctsín. In D. K. E. Reisinger, Hannah Green, Laura Griffin, Marianne Huijsmans, Gloria Mellesmoen, and Bailey Trotter (eds.). Papers for the International Conference on Salish and Neighboring Languages 56: 268-293. Vancouver, BC: UBCWPL[pdf]

2020 — Nederveen, Sander. Uniformity Constraints in German Reportive Contexts. Working Papers of the Linguistics Circle of the University of Victoria. [pdf]