In my teaching, I deeply care about the learning process, which is my primary focus in the classroom. In prioritizing the learning process in a course, one question is put front and center, namely: Why? At every step of the process, I want my students to be able to answer the why-question in relation to the task at hand. For example, why do we represent a syntactic structure in this particular way? When students are able to answer the why-questions throughout the course, they are actively learning and using higher-order thinking skills.

In my experience, when students successfully go through the learning process, they also acquire the hands-on skills required to deliver a end-of-term product. Moreover, higher-order thinking skills that students are stimulated to develop throughout the course will come to their advantage outside of linguistics. In this sense, prioritizing the learning process captures what teaching at the university level is all about: providing students with a skill set that sets them up for success in an ever-changing world.

Sessional Instructor
University of Victoria
Spring 2024: LING203 Introduction to Morphology and Syntax

Teaching Assistantships
University of British Columbia
Summer 2024: LING101 Languages of the World
Fall 2023: LING100 Introduction to Linguistics
Spring 2023: LING101 Languages of the World
Fall 2022: LING100 Introduction to Linguistics
Spring 2022: LING300 Topics in Grammar (Syntax)
Fall 2021: LING300 Topics in Grammar (Syntax)

Simon Fraser University
Summer 2020: LING200 Introduction to English Sentence Analysis
Summer 2020: LING220 Introduction to Linguistics
Summer 2020: LING323 Morphology
Spring 2020: LING200 Introduction to English Sentence Analysis
Spring 2020: LING324 Introduction to Semantics
Summer 2019: LING324 Introduction to Semantics
Spring 2019: LING323 Morphology

Radboud University Nijmegen
Fall 2016: LET-ETCENB210, Syntax 2 (Advanced Syntax),