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Apr 8 / songgao

Can’t stop loving you, American Apparel

Having lived in China for all my first 18 years and not quite a follower of fashion, American Apparel is quite an unfamiliar name for me when I first came to Vancouver. In fact, I first heard of it while in a small meeting with my roommates back in first year (wow, can’t believe second year is over) in Totem Park, we were talking about getting house shirt, and when it came to from which company we wanted to order from, all the girls (while, obviously, except me) shouted, AMERICAN APPAREL. Now when I think back, I am so surprised by the brand loyalty that American Apparel has built up: their customers not only buy their already-made products, but even requires to order from them!

After I read Beverley Cheng‘s Blog AA strategies… The retailer, that is., it became more clearer to me why that happened. American Apparel is like an emotional person, just like you and me. It, or should I call it him or her, has opinions, strong opinions. It does not like sweatshops, though they can significantly reduce their cost. It does not like gay haters, though that means they may lose them as customers. American Apparel draws and  fascinates young girls and boys with its distinctive character (treasonous in their vontroversial advertisements). It looks cool in their eyes.

One strategy for each company targeting each segment. For American Apparel, it is definitely doing the best on this.

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