Category Archives: Blog

Unit 3 Reflection Blog

In this unit, the process of researching, organizing, and writing a formal report draft on increasing academic support for student athletes was an enriching experience for me. I began writing my report by thoroughly researching the topic and identifying various credible sources to use as references.

The research process allowed me to understand the complexities of the issue and the different perspectives that exist. Once I had gathered enough information, I organized my thoughts and created an outline for my report.

The next step was to write the draft of the report. I divided the report into different sections, and each section had a specific focus. The writing process was challenging, but I found that having a clear outline helped me stay on track and focused.

Once I completed my draft, I reached out to my peer for feedback. The task of reviewing my peer’s report was also a great learning experience because it allowed me to understand how I could improve my writing style, and I learned different techniques to make my report stronger.

In conclusion, the process of researching, organizing, and writing a formal report draft was an excellent learning experience for me. It allowed me to enhance my research and writing skills and understand the importance of receiving feedback from peers. I learned the significance of proper research and organization, as well as how effective communication can make the report more readable and understandable.

Formal Report Draft:

Unit 2 Reflection Blog

Formal Report Proposal

As a student athlete at UBC, I decided to create a report on increasing academic support for student athletes at UBC. There is a lack of academic support which led to negative consequences for student athletes, such as decreased academic performance and decreased motivation to pursue a degree. Some student athletes who are struggling in their classes may find that the demands of their sport interfere with their ability to improve their academic standing. I want to assess the benefits and drawbacks of the current academic support for student athletes and identify current student athletes’ perspectives and satisfaction with the current amount of academic support. Ultimately propose a solution to help improve performance.

Peer Review

I have learned a lot from my peer review of my partner‘s proposal. I learned to look for more specific details and to look for any areas that may need more clarification. I also learned to be more mindful of the formatting and grammar in a report. The peer review process has been very helpful in improving my writing. It has made me more aware of the details and how to make my writing more clear and concise. It has also made me more aware of how to properly format a report and how to make sure my points are supported by evidence. I was surprised by some of the feedback I received from my colleague‘s work, as I think it was more detailed than I had expected. Overall, I think the peer review process has been a great learning experience for me and it has helped me to become a better writer.

LinkedIn Best Practices

Reflecting on the process of researching how to create a LinkedIn profile, I feel both excited and a bit overwhelmed by the prospect of creating a professional social media network. On one hand, I‘m excited to create a presence on a platform that could help me to connect with employers and professionals in my field. On the other hand, I‘m feeling a bit overwhelmed by the amount of information I need to gather about myself and the ways I need to present myself in the best possible light. I‘m also feeling a bit anxious about making sure I‘m following the best practices for creating a successful LinkedIn profile. All in all, I‘m looking forward to the challenge of creating a LinkedIn profile and the potential opportunities it could open up for me.

Formal Report Outline and Memo

After generating a formal report proposal, we developed a formal report outline as well as a progress report memo. This was my first time learning how to create an anonymous survey. I found it especially challenging to develop unbiased questions. I feel good about my progress with the report so far. I have done some brainstorming, outlined my report proposal, and identified my sources of data. I have a good understanding of the scope and purpose of my investigation and how I plan on gathering my data and analyzing it. I am confident that I will be able to complete the report in a timely manner. I do have some questions about how my investigation is going to become a Formal Report. I am wondering about the structure of the report, what style should I use for writing, and what further research I need to do to ensure that I am accurately representing the data I have collected. I am also curious about what elements I need to include in my report such as graphs, charts, and tables. I am sure I can find the answers to these questions as I delve deeper into my research.

I’m looking forward to Unit 3!


Assignment 2.1: Proposal for Increasing Academic Support for Student Athletes at UBC

Peer Review of Proposal:

Assignment 2.1: Peer Review of Sonja’s Formal Proposal

Unit 1 Reflection Blog

The learning process of writing different forms of definitions for the term mechanotransduction helped me develop a better understanding of the concept and researching the topic. It is important to read and develop other definitions of the term in order to gain an understanding of the different ways it can be defined and to get an idea of different ways to phrase the definition. Once a basic understanding is established, the definition can be rephrased to make it more concise and clear. Additionally, I learned that technical language are able to provide a more specific definition, or and the use of  general language provides a broader definition. It is important to consider the intended audience when writing the definition to ensure that the definition is written in a way that is understandable to the reader. Finally, it is important to review the definition to ensure that all the necessary elements are present and that the definition is accurate and clear

The peer review process is an important part of the learning process as it allowed my group to share and discuss our workIt also helps to ensure quality by allowing peers to provide honest feedback and for authors to revise their work accordingly. In addition, it provides an opportunity for us to learn from each other, as we discuss and evaluate each other‘s work. Ultimately, peer review helps to improve the quality of the final product. It is especially beneficial for me because it gives me another perspective into writing as well as checking over small mistakes. 

Selfediting is a valuable part of the learning process as it helps to improve writing skills and develop an understanding of how to effectively communicate ideas. I was able to identify errors in my writing and strengthen their overall writing style. This can be incredibly beneficial for me because it encourages critical thinking, development of new writing skills, and improved communication. I was able to understand my writing process and develop better writing habits.

Link to Revised Definition:…hanotransduction/

Email Response to Long

Hi Long,

Thank you for reaching out to me. I read your application letter and would love to form a writing team with you. I believe that your background in Kinesiology and interests in athletic training and physiotherapy aligns well with my passions and experiences. From reading your application letter, you are reliable and have a strong work ethic. I believe we would make a great team!

I have also attached my letter of application to this email. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Sonja Tang

301 Sonja Tang Application Letter

Email Memorandum

To: Dr. Paterson, Instructor, University of British Columbia

From: Sonja Tang, Student <>

Date: January 25, 2023

Subject: Letter of Application

Hi! I have posted my Letter of Application on my blog. Please find my Letter of Application attached below.

The attached Letter of Application includes:

  • overview of my academic background and professional interests
  • description of my strengths in terms of writing skills and work habits
  • my personal learning philosophy
  • invitation to connect

Please let me know if you require any additional information.

Encl. Letter of Application

301 Sonja Tang Application Letter

Letter of Application

2609-777 Richards Street
Vancouver, BC V6B 0M6

January 24, 2023

University of British Columbia
2329 West Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4
Attention: ENGL 301 Classmates

Subject: Applying to a writing team

I am writing to apply to a professional writing team for ENGL 301 this semester. I am a 3rd year Kinesiology student at the University of British Columbia with professional interests in playing professional golf, coaching and physical therapy. I believe that my background in being an athlete playing at the highest level and previous volunteer experiences would make me a perfect match for your writing team.

During my previous coaching volunteer experiences with UBC Active Kids, UBC Varsity Strength and Conditioning and St. Michaels University School Golf Intramural, I’ve developed strong teamwork and communicating skills. From coaching across different age groups and working with athletes performing at different skill levels provided me experience with interviews, writing and planning training programs, presenting proposals, writing emails, and working in group settings. Furthermore, my role as being a Varsity Athlete and pursuing a professional career in sport has helped me immensely with prioritizing discipline, time management, and teamwork in working with many coaches and teammates. You can easily reach me, as I am organized, and always looking to improve.

My learning philosophy is that practice with a positive attitude will bring improvement along with working with others will provide  a more enjoyable learning experience. Feedback is very valuable and it comes from being an active listener to others. Please contact me at or through the Canvas chat if you are interested in forming a group. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Sonja Tang

Encl. Letter of Application

301 Sonja Tang Application Letter