Satrapi vs. Sacco

Although I’m an “art” student at UBC, my course drifted away from visual arts and more into sociology and politics, but visual art is where my passion lies. In ASTU, the two graphic narratives we were required to read Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi and Safe Area Goražde by Joe Sacco both consist of comic strips, text, quotes, and art. The art in the two are similar but at the same time they are widely different. Satrapi uses more of an absence of art to get her traumatic and life changing experiences across while Sacco goes into depth in his art to show the true horrors of life.

Page 71 of Persepolis shows the absence of space and art, while page 128 of Safe Area Goražde shows Sacco’s methods. His precise detail of the buildings, the town, the abuse, and the gore make his readings slightly heavier but it’s not necessarily better.

110 and 114 from Safe Are Goražde show the horrors that the people of Goražde faced while 52 of Persepolis approach the horror in a completely new way. 


Upon some spontaneous research behind Sacco’s art and cartooning, his style remains similar throughout his graphic narratives and the detail, the violence, and the horror are all commonalities.


After publishing Footnotes in Gaza, an interview was conducted with Sacco behind his style and creativity. Sacco was asked “How do you decide how to visually interpret the memories being relayed and what, if any, filters to use?” and replied with “I try to draw in a pretty representational manner. I did have to decide how much violence I was going to show. And my idea was I would show it pretty straight, I wouldn’t try to make it look spectacular or anything like that. Of course I’m a filter on that; I’m drawing; and I think that’s clear, but a film director directs his character and that’s kind of what I’m doing too.” It is very clear that Sacco has a unique and distinct way he goes about his drawings, unlike anything of Satrapi but the violence and the detail show a more accurate representation of the lives that some are facing around the world.

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