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What is this thing called Knowledge? Chapters 1-3

Chapter 1:

Epistemology is the theory of knowledge. There are two types of knowledge: propositional (we can say in a sentence and explain like the moon revolves around the earth) and ability knowledge (the knowledge of how to do something: you can do; demonstrate it but maybe you can’t say it: like playing Tennis). The book is mainly dealing with propositional knowledge.

Philosophers agree on 2 requirements of knowledge:

1- Belief: that you believe in it

2- Truth: that belief is what actually is


When we know something, then it turns out we were wrong; then we didn’t really know it in the first place.  However true belief is not equivalent to knowledge as it could be acquired by luck/ accident without exerting effort in acquiring this true belief. Hence there is no success that is creditable to the agent and can’t be repeated. Epistemologists’ challenge is to explain what needs to be added to mere true belief in order to be knowledge.


Chapter 2:

Is knowledge valuable?

We value knowledge but why?

Knowledge should be true & truth is instrumentally valuable (it is used to achieve other goals).

  • True belief is better to reach our goals (all other things being equal) than false beliefs (it’s instrumentally more valuable).
    • However sometimes false belief is instrumentally valuable as in jumping the ravine case.
    • True belief could be in trivial matters so they are not of instrumental value. So gaining this true beliefs could be useless.

Thus true beliefs can only be useful (valuable) sometimes.  Since not all true beliefs are knowledge perhaps only true beliefs of instrumental value are knowledge, but this is undermined by examples of knowledge with no instrumental value such as the weight of each sand grain and the ravine example. Hence not all knowledge is of instrumental value.


Is knowledge more valuable than mere true belief?

Since knowledge is more stable than true beliefs, they are more of instrumental value. However knowledge is not completely stable either as false information can make a person question his knowledge.  but it is generally more stable as it couldn’t be easily mistaken (dr diagnosis example). In addition some knowledge is non-instrumentally valuable as in the case of wisdom.


Chapter 3:

The chapter moves on to define knowledge and the problem of where to begin when defining knowledge. One option is look at instances of knowledge and see what is similar among them. but how can we determine instances of knowledge without the defining criteria? who/ what will judge if this instance is actually knowledge or not. And we can’t determine the criteria for knowledge without adopting a definition of knowledge.  This is called “the problem of the criterion”. So we must assume either of them


There are 2 approaches:

  • Methodism: assumes we know the criteria for knowledge through philosophical reflection and moves from there to define knowledge
  • Particularism: identifies particular instances of knowledge then drive a definition


Then Pritchard applies  the methodism starting from the point that knowledge is true belief plus other stuff. What are these other things?! Since Plato’s time philosophers added justification (possession of good reasons for what one thinks is true) for one’s belief: This is the classical account of knowledge; tripartite. However this is contrasted by Gettier cases (having justified true belief that is not knowledge as it was true by  accident). Philosophers responded to Gettier cases by adding being away from false presuppositions. But should presupposition be defined in a liberal or restrict manner. A restrict definition won’t address the problem; while liberal one would prevent us from having most of the knowledge we have.
So the criteria of knowledge are not manifest and easy to reach we actually made instances of knowledge to discuss them. It shows that you need to demand more than truth from the world if you want to reach knowledge. Maybe that the agent is forming his belief in the right way.

Evaluation Rubric for Venture Picthes

I came up with this rubric based on the ETEC522 lesson on deconstructing a pitch. I think this would be a more objective and easy way to evaluate a pitch

Dimension Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 Comments Out of 5
CEO & Team CEO capability CEO has the needed knowledge, skills and experience to lead the project
CEO credibility CEO exudes the capability, convey the confidence to succeed
Management Team There is a qualified team working on the project
Material resources Material resources required for the success of the project are available
Total 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Venture Concept Originality The concept is original
Feasibility The concept could be implemented
Well-researched The team has done its home-work and is well-aware of the concept’s different dimensions
Story credible and compelling People can easily buy into the concept
Total 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Marketability Opportunity Space There is a realistic market gap, market size, market share and revenue that this product or service can capture
Competitive edge (differentiation) The project has a competitive innovative  advantage that they can keep
Total 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Venture Plan Market Readiness The proposed critical path to success is realistic, not too long or too difficult
Marketing plan There is a clear understanding of where and how buyers/users will be reached
Competition There is a clear overview of competitors and partners
Exit strategy There is a specific destination or definition for success
Investor Affinity I like this CEO,
This proposition is moderately risky
I like the plan
I can add more than money to ensure success
Total 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Content Pain point & solution There is a clear  market gap or problem the venture is addressing with a new solution that resolves the pain
The ask The ask of how much money is needed to take it where is clear
The return how much and how soon will an investor be recompensed is clearly outlined
Total 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


and here its application on the up2date venture pitch

Dimension Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 Comments Out of 5
CEO & Team CEO capability CEO has the needed knowledge, skills and experience to lead the project 3 While he has skills as a teacher and is studying learning technology, he has no/ or at least did not show background in the technical part of the project (getting updates and delivering them to customers
CEO credibility CEO exudes the capability, convey the confidence to succeed 4
Management Team There is a qualified team working on the project 1 Team is still to be gathered
Material resources Material resources required for the success of the project are available 2 Was not clear
Total 20 1 2 3 4 0 10 2.5
Venture Concept Originality The concept is original 5 Yes
Feasibility The concept could be implemented 5
Well-researched The team has done its home-work and is well-aware of the concept’s different dimensions 3 Team is limited to one person but he has done some background research
Story credible and compelling People can easily buy into the concept 5
Total 20 0 0 3 0 15 18 4.5
Marketability Opportunity Space There is a realistic market gap, market size, market share and revenue that this product or service can capture 5
Competitive edge (differentiation) The project has a competitive innovative  advantage that they can keep 5
Total 10 0 0 0 0 10 10 5
Venture Plan Market Readiness The proposed critical path to success is realistic, not too long or too difficult 2 No clear path was outlined
Marketing plan There is a clear understanding of where and how buyers/users will be reached 3 He spoke about targeting schools but did not detail how this would be done
Competition There is a clear overview of competitors and partners 4 I think this part could have been further researched like other people providing the same service or potential ways to partner with others
Exit strategy There is a specific destination or definition for success 1 No
Investor Affinity I like this CEO, 4 Seems energetic teacher who wants the best for his students even if he has to take the extra mile
This proposition is moderately risky 2 This was not clear in the pitch
I like the plan 5 Not applicable
I can add more than money to ensure success 5 Not applicable
Total 40 1 4 3 8 10 26 3.25
Content Pain point & solution There is a clear  market gap or problem the venture is addressing with a new solution that resolves the pain 5
The ask The ask of how much money is needed to take it where is clear 4 He asks for specific amount of money, but does not specify where this money will lead the project to. He mentions how he will use the money: to assemble team and start working
The return how much and how soon will an investor be recompensed is clearly outlined 1 No
Total 15 1 0 0 4 5 10 3.333333

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