To what extent can Business Ethics be bent?

British Oil Giant violates Environmental ethics through the form of bribery

To me, this looks like a case of too much greed from a company that wants to get at a nation’s oil quietly even though if it is through bribery. My analysis reveals that heritage sites such as this one in DR Congo have to be preserved no matter what because it is the natural habitat of many endangered animals who have equal rights to coexist with us.

That being said, environmental ethics have been violated however, I wonder how much are these gigantic oil companies (or any other companies for that matter) are willing to go to bend these “ethics” set by society.

Furthermore, the rangers which were bribed must be removed immediately as they cause more harm to the animals than the oil companies will do once they start drilling for oil in Lake Edward.

One solution to this could be to raise the wages of these rangers which protect the park, or alternatively place safeguards such as the WWF or The UNICEF to protect these beautiful parks from unethical businesses who are only looking to exploit as many resources as they can.

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