Amazon ads belittling Apple

Recently, there is a hot advertisement on Amazon that attracted people’s attention.

Amazon posted a new advertisement for kindle, in which, it ironically indicated that the total price of 3 kindles is still cheaper than an ipad. Also, the same situation happened when Samsung and other electronic companies did the same thing to Apple.

It is actually an approach to stand out in the fierce competitions by inserting an impressive concept that kindles are much cheaper than ipads. Amazon and Samsung adopted this method to treat Apple because it stands most of the first place in the field of electronic products as a biggest competitor to all other companies.

According to Al Ries and Jack Trout’s theory, the most efficient way to appeal to the bulk of the customers is to be the first in the field. Thus, it is reasonable to explain why Kindle and Samsung adopted such cruel method. They did this as they want to step out an unique impression in people’s mind to be the first (eg. in the field of price) and by doing so, they hope that they can pull Apple down and take the place of it.

This is how they deal with the information overloaded in people’s mind and how they get into people’s mind.

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Business Ethnic

Chinese food safety is still a worldwide hot topic.

From shocking baby milk powder incident to poisonous pudding jelly scandal, from food with recycled gutter oil to drinks with plasticizer ….. the huge problems existing in Chinese food safety not only drive people away from Chinese market, but also do great harm to people’s health.

Take infant food incident as an example. At very beginning, some companies illegally added harmful food additives on purpose to meet the infant food health standard, and it caused the milk powder incident.

After the exposure of the incident, sales of certain kinds of baby food suffered a huge decrease in Chinese market, some companies even went bankrupt.

Meanwhile, the babies, as thought, were the ones supposed to have the best care, turned out to be the worst-concerned ones. This condition was exactly opposite to what we thought and it did bring a huge panic to the parents.

This severe incident let people down, and at the same, it led to a huge loss in Chinese baby food industry and indicated a lack of social conscience in business field. Actually, the spokesperson did apologize in public, but it seemed to make little difference.

Anyway, we cannot only promise, but we should figure out the cause and do exactly as what we said to solve the problems.