
I found this text to be one of the most interesting that we have read so far, in regards to both revolutionary aspects but on the critique on the current status of our society in some aspects. The two aspects of it which struck me the most is the aspect of “I” and the concept of real world relationships and communities and their cyberization. The concept of the “I” and the constant need for an individual to identify themselves has become more of a marketing scheme than an actual social necessity or movement. The whole concept that society has created the need for each person to be unique only furthers a capitalist agenda by attributing an “I” state to things like wearing clothes as if they were one of the defining factors in originality. This necessity for each person to feel as though they are individual is needed as it drives for unique ideas and concepts into society, but the current societal trend is one that is putting commercial values on the value of self which defeats the purpose for one to search for an “I” state. This combined with the trend that society has slowly shifted into viewing social interactions as though they were directly connected to the internet. The changing of how social interactions and the concept of “I” have been so heavily influenced by society, a society that itself is heavily influenced by capitalism.

So what can one do to combat a society that has become so heavily influenced by capitalism and other influences that seek to directly profit from your cooperation. In my opinion and somewhat ironically is to have the ability to create your own “I” self which is one that is disconnected from society. One does not need any sort of social validation for one to be happy, as Insurrection states, “‘depression’ is not a state, but a passage” it is okay to be discontent with society and the way that it represents you in its structure. Without this discontent or disconnection that one feels towards society then they can never be free from its influence, an influence that tries to push you into conforming in order to benefit from you. I’m not saying that one should leave society and become a hermit in the mountains or something, but to break away from the mainstream of society to distance oneself from the overly capitalistic state which we find ourselves in everyday of our lives. By doing so and creating your own identity one which is separate from society, and if enough people do that then they might be able to confront and change the way that society currently functions.


  1. Great Blog.
    I totally agree in that this text is trying to tell us how society is trying to create this “I”. And that this “I” is often conformed to capitalism and marketing. I would though say that there are probably different “I’s”. I think sometimes it is good to have this collective “I”. Trying to find something common amongst us all and using that as a binding agent, to relate to one another more easily, and hopefully then cooperate more. I think there comes a time when the “I” must be unique to ourselves, but also that of a collective commonality amongst each other. Finding this balance but also based on the situation and on individual, societal, and country needs.

  2. I see your point that we have to disconnect from society but I think we need to be careful because the system has made people apathetic over the years, seeing that change is not possible. So in a way people have become distanced and disconnected. I can somewhat relate this to our last class discussion. I think a reason we have become disconnected is because we don’t even know who are we fighting against, is it wall street or the white house? And the conflation of politics and media has disconnected us as well. I think we need to disconnect but at the same time make a community that feel disconnected and take things from there.

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