
Like others in the class I found this reading to be challenging.  I was strenuously trying to decipher and translate everything I could while trying to comprehend his imagery of the Brooklyn Bridge and other New York land marks.  Although it was taxing, I found it to be quite rewarding when I finished the reading.  Marti’s writing style is very descriptive and imaginative.  You can tell by his writing style that he himself felt an intimate connection with the city and its remarkable architecture.  Even though the reading was difficult and his sentences were very long, it flowed beautifully.  I read some of the reading out loud and found that the reading was very pleasing to the ear.  After reading his writings I felt I have definitely expanded my Spanish vocabulary.

Marti constructs beautifully the image of the Brooklyn Bridge using metaphors and similes.  For example, the opening paragraph seems to suggest how every one in the city is interconnected through this piece of architecture.  This bridge links every citizen together as if somehow this piece of architecture is the final piece of a cultural jig-saw puzzle.  Marti also gives the bridge an organic feeling as well.  At the top of page 427 Marti describes the cables of the bridge like roots on a tree which are subject to flat anchors, much like this bridge will become an anchor for New York.

I felt that Marti seemed to suggest that the city and its people were not together without the completion of this symbolic bridge.  He goes on to describe the numerous types of different people that live in New York and how they are all connected. Despite their differences they all share an equal sense of optimism and hope in the future.