So far…

So far i have enjoyed all the books we have discussed in class! At the beginning of each book, however, i was a bit skeptical but by the end they all were worth my while to read. Who Would of Thought It? started off a bit slow but when it picked up each short chapter was like an episode from a television drama! Also, beyond the first few chapters I saw that this comedy of romance was about a family on the surface and that its important issues were portrayed through the irony used by the author.
Jose Marti’s works were more challenging to read because of its extensive vocabulary but his writing overall was artistic and insanely descriptive! Before reading Marti’s work I knew nothing of the Brooklyn Bridge but now I can how much it meant to some people, and especially to Marti.
Y No Se Lo Trago La Tierra was perhaps the most confusing book out of the bunch but I realized that the author made us feel the way the young boy did during his ‘lost year’. At first I had a tough time understanding the fragmented stories and trying to figure out who was speaking, but in the end i felt that it was more important to focus on what was being said, rather than focussing on exactly who said it.
Finally, the movie we watched in class “The Salt of the Earth” was very enjoyable. I liked the fact that the message of the movie was completely straight forward because it was a nice break from the books that we have been reading. Also i had a few good laughs and smiles from some overly-cheesy moments 🙂