woman hollering creek part 2

I found Bien Pretty to be my favorite chapter to read in the second half.  I liked how after her mysterious “god-like” man left her to be with his family, that she came to grips with herself.  I saw it as an acceptable ending for this book.  It came across to me as a denunciation of almost everything the book had been talking about in the previous stories.  For example after she realizes that the telenovelas are not the way how life really is played out she comes to grip with reality and starts living life instead of watching it go by.  “After a few days I’m watching the telenovelas. Avoiding board meetings, rushing home from work…I watched them all.  In the name of research.  I started dreaming of these Rosas and Briandas and Luceros.  And in my dreams I’m slapping the heroine to her senses…” (Cisneros, 161).  This seemed to me to be a reversal or a culmination of most of the books.  Only after she had felt some sort of passionate relationship with someone was she able to say to herself that these telenovelas were not based in reality.  That reality to her was for herself to make things happen and “get it done.”  But it was frustrating to read the entire book knowing that some of the ladies were lost in these soap operas.  Even though that this was all that they knew.  This story almost seemed to be a rebuttal of the actual woman hollering creek in Texas; in a sense that the woman in this story overcomes her seeming oppression and doesn’t drown herself instead of being forced to drown her child.  I think it is worth some merit to note that this woman is an American and seemingly to be in the “upper-crust” of her area.

Overall, very enjoyable read.  Even though I still enjoyed Who Would Have Thought It? just a little more.