How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents

So far, I am really not convinced about this book. Perhaps, I was expecting a bit more from this book, partially because I am writing about her on Wikipedia and have read many rave reviews about her work, but I am liking it less than many of the other books we have read in the class. I find her style to be rather immature, resembling young adult fiction a little more than I would chose to read at this point in my life. I also find it her style flatter than the other writers…Rivera, Marti, and Cisnernos wrote with a conviction that kept my interest and captivated me. They all brought a certain poetry that I really enjoyed reading that I find lacking in this book, while I simultaneously havn’t found the story that interesting. Lastly, and this is my last complaint, I have found the characters to be both unrelatable and unlikable. I am not fond of the father, nor am I fond of any of the daughters so far.

I have not written this book off yet however, and am willing to continue with it with an open mind. I hope that as I get into the story more, the insights that it offers will become a bit more apparent to me. I really wanted to like this book, and based on what I had heard previously, had heard nothing but good things, and premtively thought it was going to be one of my favorites of the class. My dislike at this point could be a result of high expectations and for this reason I will be curious to know how it unfolds.