Who Would Have Thought It?

Ruiz de Burton, the author of Who Would Have Thought It, begins her novel explaining that in a world of good and proper people rogues are useful and necessary, or else they would ‘perish of sheer insanity”. The story progresses ironically as the real rogues, Mr.Hackwell and Mrs.Norval (to name a few), perceive the most-honourable and kind-hearted Dr. Norval as a “temporary whetstone” due to the lack of rogues in their community of ‘proper’ people. It is hard to believe that the purest man, in heart and mind, has been stamped as a writer of treason and even harder to believe that the same man once proposed to the conniving Mrs.Norval!!! Although Mrs.Norval is an unbelievably shrewd woman with a huge disregard for poor Lola’s feelings, she represents the common attitude towards non-whites. In modern day, Mrs.Norval may seem out of line with her crude words and selfish desires, however, her behavior was considered ‘normal’ when this book was written by Ruiz Burton and that the sympathetic Dr. Norval is the one whom is out of line during this time, regardless of his endless care and support for others.

Love is a strong force in this novel, inducing hearts to sway towards the good-as well as the bad. Ruiz de Barton describes in great detail the happiness and the love that surges through Dr.Norval’s body when Lola embraces him with all her love. Lola has a similar effect on Julian. Julian’s severely wounded state was became significantly better upon the arrival of Lola and his love for her only made him healthier. However, in Mrs.Norval’s case, her blinded love towards Mr.Hackwell causes her to act most selfishly in order to fulfill her own desires, such as forgetting about the physical state of her wounded son and disregarding her sister’s feelings about leaving Mr.Hackwell’s side. Although her jealousy is unreasonable and her actions intolerable, her wild emotions make her one of the most interesting characters of the novel.

Although Lola is mistreated by of Mrs.Norval and the rest of the community, she soon captures all the hearts of the purest and kindest people in the novel! I am excited to see how far Lola’s influences will extend.