my blog 2008-09-08 06:03:00

I find that the story of “who would have thought?” is not really a a great story but it allows through a story line to show difference between certain groups by using contrast. for example It uses contrast between races, how different people of one race it treated compared to that of another especially when it comes to the case of Lola when arriving at the home she is even compared to an animal just because she is of dark colour (which later turns to be a dye). This contrast is also seen a lot when you compare her to Emma which Mrs. Norval approves for her son. You can also see two opposite sides when it comes to religion Mrs.Norval being a Presbyterians and Lola being Roman catholic you can see in page 66 how she perceive the catholic Mrs. Norval says “but my religion is a rational one , not an obsurd beliefin images and saints , and relics and holy water.” You see a very big difference in general between Dr.Norval and misses Norval they oppose in religion, in politics and in their view of others. I believe this difference is due to the fact that he has travelled and been more in contact with other cultures. In the story we also see how men and woman of that time were contrasted especially when Lavvy tries to help her brother who is in jail, for example Mr.Brown tells her “I see you don;t grasp the idea. Of course, ladies can’t well grasp great ideas”(114) So by using contast the writer allows us to see the ideas of that time.