Y No Se Lo Trago La Tierra…….

Before reading this book, I skimmed through a couple of pages and I thought that this would be an easy read. The book cover and big font mislead me; the narrative of the story was confusing at certain points because it kept changing from first person to third. I am a little more than half way through the book and the name of the young boy, as well as many other characters, remain unknown! Also, there were pages in between chapters where fragments of conversations took place without stating any name, place or purpose. Although the point of the story was hard to follow, it revealed the harsh realities of agricultural migrant workers in the US after World War Two. The child’s description of mistreated campesinos were detailed and his sentiments about religion showed how confused he was himself during his ‘lost year’.

I also liked how this book was written very informally. There were numerous slangs in this book such as “pos” and “m’ijo”. Also the author frequently mentioned the words “verguenza y coraje” and ended many sentences with “luego, luego”. So far the short stories in this book have been pleasing to read but their significance as a whole has yet to be outlined for me.