Thoughts on the class so far…

Looking back at our curriculum thus far, I can’t believe that we’ve only read from THREE authors! I feel like there has been much more information passed around than having to do with just a handful of literary works!

I have to agree with a few of the posts I’ve just read and say that I really enjoy the course. Aside from the content, I find the classroom atmosphere relaxed and friendly….exactly what I’m looking for when I am asked to give my thoughts in Spanish! I have also enjoyed reading about Chicanos and their experiences, be them recent or from a century ago. The authors that we have read allow us to relate to their stories. I am not an immigrant (although I don’t REALLY know what being a ‘Canadian’ means…it’s kind of the old ‘mixing pot’-mosaic analogy for me), but after reading these stories I understood a few of the tribulations and triumphs that belong to these chicanos.

It was also a breath of fresh air to watch ‘The Salt of the Earth’. I’m sure that we all inwardly groaned when we saw the black and white and heard the crappy sound quality of the DVD, but the movie turned out to be better than expected. I found that it connected very well with the racial and gender issues also found in Who Would Have Thought It?; however, this heroin decided to do something drastic and dramatic about her situation. Perhaps this shows how the times have changed even between the book’s publication and the movie’s release.

I’ve already read the book (Cisneros) for our Wikipedia project and I hope that everyone will enjoy it as much as I did. I thought that it was better than any one of our first three readings!