322 So far

Sorry if it is a little late but there was so much to do over the thanksgiving weekend that I had no time to blog.

Anyways,  so far my favorite read has been Who Would Have Thought It? I came to appreciate how everything was in flux in this novel.  Every single character changes for better or for worse.  The personalities of each character do not change, they seem to be the only thing that is truly constant in this novel.  Even though certain characters travelled upwards in their social assent their personal qualities remained in tact.  I thought this was quite funny because each person who ascended in the social hierarchy of the time only did so because of the money from a woman who mostly all of them shunned.  As much as I enjoy comedies of error, I was happy with Y no se lo tragó la tierra.  Even thought the book was depressing at times I was mostly entertained by it.

I enjoy the content and the atmosphere of the class. The Spanish readings have been challenging for me but they have helped my Spanish immensely. Even though for me it can be intimidating to speak Spanish I think I’ll live.  Anyways, I’m looking forward to the second half of the semester.