Women Hollering Creek

So far, I’ve been finding this book extremely unique in terms of its writing, style and breakdown. I can’t think of anything quite like this which I’ve read before. I enjoy the short chapter formats and the fast pace of the book in the beginning. Many of the sentences, while short and fragmented, are very descriptive and capture the moments described quite well. Cisneros creates a really personal style of writing, it’s as if she just threw out her thoughts as they came and put them down on paper. Even from the first chapter, I felt a pretty strong connection and understanding of the book. What I find amazing, is that as Marti was extremely descriptive (which I do enjoy), I think it works so much better in this book. I’m still trying to figure out how they’re descriptive style is different, maybe marti’s is more quantitative while Cisneros is more qualitative? I’m not sure.

As with much of the other works we’ve read, find that this book does a good job at shining light on the chicano community. Maybe it’s from patterns i’ve picked up throughout the works we’ve read so far, but I find I’ve been exposed to many gender issues I didn’t think were apparent. I also enjoy the innocence of this book through the child’s perspective, which complements the fragmented sentences really well.