my blog 2008-10-27 21:44:00

I really enjoyed the ending of Cisnieros book, first there is the story of the eyes of Zapata the style of writing is very interesting is most in first person is like a self monologue. The story its self i did not like it portrays the woman as submissive and really with no say, and the view of men is the same as in most of her stories the Macho man, in the story the woman has to accept the fact that he has other wives and children other families and she just accepts this and not only that she even feels privilege because he keeps coming back to her whenever he wants, she leaves her family and everything just to be his lover not even his wife because he tells her he’ll “never” marry her yet she is very gratefully for a pair of earrings. This attitude to me does not seem typical of Spanish or Latin or even Mexican woman. That is why i like a quote in the story “bien pretty” After Lupe sees a lot of telenovela she mentions she “want[s] them to be woman who make things happen, not woman who things happen to” and then she makes a big distinction between the woman in the telenovelas and the woman in real life she says they are the ones who say “if you don’t like it largate, honey. Those woman. The ones I’ve known everywhere except on TV, in books and magazines. Las grildfriends. Las commadres. Our mamas and tias. passionate and powerful, tender and volatile, brave, And, above all, fierce.” I believe this is a better description of woman then what we have been seing in the other stories. In general all of cinieros writings really allow you to be submerged in the stories, she transmits realy well what these woman feel and what situations they are in. I didn’t like how she stereotyped a lot but i liked her writing enough that i want to read her other book “house of mango”