Category Archives: Introductions


Hi everyone, my name is Heather, I’m a fourth year global resource systems (grs) student. That basically means that I get a science degree but that I take a bunch of arts classes 🙂
I’m focusing my degree on food security/ food sovereignty in the Americas…I think. It seems that my focus changes daily.
I’m looking forward to this class so I am hoping to be able to remain in it, since I’m now registered in 6 classes but really can only handle 4.
You can usually find me in Sprouts, in the basement of the sub…if you’d like to have coffee or soup at sprouts and talk about literatura chicana I’m sure I’d be up for it.


Hello. My name is not Bill. But it is Bella. Kind of similar. So I’ll respond to Bill if it’s thrown at me. In fact, I might be starting to prefer Bill. It’s a good, strong name.

Moving on….I am slowly working my way through a Spanish major at UBC. That’s it. No double major, no minor. I’ve been known to be a wee bit lazy (although I like to say that I’m just a hedonist. I enjoy taking life pretty easily). I do, however, genuinely love all things spanish and I hope to go on to translation after completing this degree. I lived in Spain for a year and my next move should take me to Chile. I’ve had a fair amount of first hand contact with some crazy chicanos (well, one in particular. Bad. Taste. Mouth.), but Mexico and Mexicans continue to hold a dear, dear spot in my heart. Haven’t met many Central or South American immigrants. I reckon that’s about all you need to know for now. Probably more than you needed to know, in actuality.
Here we are.

beth 101

My name is Beth and I am a fourth year UBC Arts student. English Literature is my major and Spanish Language is my minor. Once I finish my BA degree, I plan to take the twelve-month Teacher Education Program at UBC in order to become a secondary school English teacher. After teaching high school for a few years, it’s quite possible that I’ll go back to school, get my Masters and Ph.D. and become a professor. I’m from a small town in the Okanagan Valley called Penticton, surrounded by beautiful beaches and mountains. My passions are music, languages, photography, writing and travel. In January, I am taking a semester away from university to travel Southeast Asia and Europe for six months with my best friend. I enjoy talking to real people, cooking good food, singing anything and everything, and being active in the great outdoors.

Hey, my name is Jacqui and I’m a 4th year UBC arts student majoring in french and minoring in spanish. I hope to continue with the education program at UBC next year….and afterwards would love to move overseas to teach…New Zealand perhaps?



Hola a todos, mi nombre es Daniel, un estudiante de español a la universidad mas bella en todo el mundo, en el opinion de mi ex-novia. Chevere. Dejenme explicar un poco de yo. Me gusta animales y musica, especialmente la combinacion de ambos. Mi tio se llama Roy, es un mechanico, y este año yo quiero tocar en una banda.



My name is Ben Hoekstra.  I’m excited to be in Spanish 322. I’m looking forward to learning the history and culture of Latin America.


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Hey, I’m Deanna.

I can’t think of anything too thrilling right now, but two weeks ago I returned from a month long trip in Germany. I’m pretty sure I ate more pork and drank more beer in that month than I have in my entire life. I mean, sure, I knew that Germany was famous for its beer, but I had no idea that the monks in some villages made beer that was 17% alcohol (which sounds good, but tastes like liquid bread).

See you soon.