Category Archives: Introductions

Test Post

Hey, my name is Max and I’m a third year student working towards a double major in geography and Spanish. I have no idea where that’s going to take me but they’re the classes I like the most. I grew up in Montreal, Toronto and Philadelphia and moved to Vancouver after high school. When I get some free time I like any water sport, snowboarding and photography, and I hope to do a lot of traveling in the future, especially to South America.


Span322 – Introduction

Hey guys,
My name is Kaan, and I am a transfer student from the University of Victoria. This is my 3rd year of studying, but my first at UBC. I have recently returned from a year of studying abroad in Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico. This experience inspired me to learn more about Latin American culture, as I learn’t and experienced the cultural diferences throughout the Americas.
I loook forward to the discussions with regard to the texts for this class, and hearing the opinions and arguments of everyone.

hi, im val!

hey class of 322a…my name is valerie and im still in mexico which is why i havent met any of you. im in my last semester of finishing a latin american studies major. im looking forward to this class because i like latin american literature especially about chicanos…im also looking forward to seeing jon speak spanish with a british accent…should be good… 🙂 (jk) anyways thats me…

‘Test’ blog

Alright, so this is my ‘test’ blog….
Hi, my name is Katie Whitlam. I have never had a blog and actually never visited one either so this is all rather new to me. Clearly I am not the technological type. I still have a crappy little samsung cellphone, sin camera……your jaw just dropped didn’t it?
Okay, so, a little about me: I am 23 and have just moved to Kitsilano. I normally reside in Chilliwack. Yes, probably everything you’ve heard about Chilliwack is true: rednecks, farm smells, good corn, grow-ops, etc…. but I it’s my hometown and I love it (I actually live out by Cultus Lake which is my saving grace when people ask where I’m from). I love to travel. I just got back from a trip to Central/South America. Only there for two and a half months so it was a bit of a whirl-wind. I’ll definitely have to go back. As of now, I’m brainstorming about 5 new trips…where I’ll ever find the time, or money for that matter, I don’t know. I’m completing a Bachelor of Arts degree right now with a Linguistics major and a Spanish minor. My life goal is to learn 8 languages…I’m kind of obsessed with them :S
I love music…doesn’t really matter what kind, whatever I’m in the mood for. Singing is a passion of mine. I’m pretty much addicted to karaoke. Kind of sucks living with room mates now becauase usually people aren’t all that keen on someone breaking into song in the next room. Dancing is also a good time for me, although I have been actually been asked, “You dance like THAT?”
I enjoy playing sports for fun, although last week I rolled my ankle and am not doing much of anything at the moment….it kind of looks like an ogre’s foot. My favorite things are clouds. Have you ever actually thought of your favorite thing??
Oh yah, and I get a little long-winded when I start typing. Oops.

Test Post

Hi everyone, this is Serena. Nothing terribly clever comes to mind to say right now but I’ll make more of an effort on the next post.