About Us

Active Living was founded by Luke Roczniak and Simon Pelland in 2008.  We both have 4-year Human Kinetics Degrees from the University of British Columbia and hold the following certifications:

CSEP-CPT (Certified Personal Trainer)Scope of Practice

CSEP-CEP (Certified Exercise Physiologist)Scope of Practice

CSCS (Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist)Scope of Practice

We are both charismatic and dynamic leaders who offer very unique, but equally as effective training programs.  As Personal Trainers, we possess in-depth knowledge about both exercise and the mechanics of the body, as well as the training to provide safe and reliable instruction.  Using enthusiasm and motivation, as well as observational and communication skills, we are confident in our ability to help positively transform client’s lifestyles in order to reach their maximum potentials.


One thought on “About Us

  1. we reside in Vancouver and I am trying to research for help with my husband who had a stroke ten years ago and had become very weak and unable to bear weight so he is wheelchair bound.

    I believe given the right treatment, he will be able to stand up and eventually use his walker instead of a wheelchair..

    can you help?

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