Are We Aware of What We Are Consuming?

Over the past five to ten year’s healthy living has become an increasing concern across North America and many other parts of the world. Improvements in scientific research have proven many negative side effects in living an unhealthy lifestyle. As everyone has noticed due to this escalating issue, fast food restaurants have added many healthy options to their menus. Giving credit where credit is due, these large corporations attempts to abide with societies demand of healthy living is a step in the right direction. That being said, their unhealthy products remain on their menu and are still advertised in the media. My underlining concern with this is these advertisements do not address the health consequences of consuming these products. Instead they advocate the consumption of their products by manipulating their audience into ignoring the health concerns and focusing on their new creation. Take Burger Kings new french fry burger for example. The commercial focuses on several components, one being the low price of the product, second the concept of their product–putting french fries within a burger–and lastly the targeting of young kids. However, not once do they mention the harmful consequences from consumption of this product. How is it that Tabaco products are entitled to address the health concerns with consuming their products, and alcohol products are to promote safe and responsible use? But fast-food restaurants such as Burger King are not induced to provide any such information. I believe that no matter the product, both negative and positive issues should be reported in order for the advertisement to be considered ethical. Therefore, the entire audience has a better understanding of the product they are purchasing, and are doing so based on reason and not manipulation.