Baidu-A Wonderful Name For Searching Engine

Baidu-A Wonderful Name for Searching Engine

Just as what is said in the article called Value Positioning[i], a brand’s name is perhaps the most important factor affecting perceptions of it(Al Ries and Jack Trout). A right name is going to tell individuals what a company is indeed doing or selling in a second. Thinking of those names of companies around me, Baidu is what I think having the most appropriate and romantic name.

Baidu is a searching engine in China, founded by Li Yanhong. In an interview he told the name Baidu is from an 800-year-old poem written by a well-known poet who was called Xin Qiji. Baidu indeed means “hundreds of times” in Chinese. In Xin’s poem, he wrote about a man looking for a woman who attracts him but he didn’t know anything about her. The man searched for the woman hundreds and thousands of times in chaos but failed. However, when he turned around by chance, he saw the woman standing in which the lights were waning. Finally, the man successfully found the woman out.[ii] This is a very romantic poem. In addition, using some characters from the poem is a wise choice.

In Baidu, one is looking for what he wants among hundreds and thousands of information. In the end, one is always able to find out what he wants. Li wisely links the name for a searching engine to a poem. Indeed, Baidu not only shows everyone what it is but shows people all over the world how great Chinese traditional culture is. Baidu, a nice name!






[ii] Watts, Jonathan. “The Man behind China’s Answer to Google: Accused by Critics of Piracy and Censorship.” Web. 29 Sept. 2014.

Successful Advertisements Can Be More Than Advertising

                            Successful Advertisements Can Be More Than Advertising

  During our daily life, we meet a great number of advertisements. However, we may not enjoy all of them. Some of the advertisements are innovative and interesting, catching our attention and leading us to know more details about the product. Some, however, just make us tired of the target product.

  In the present society, individuals are facing too much information, which indicates that firms are supposed to present outstanding advertisement in order to make people remember the product while coming across a great deal of different information in a day. Putting up innovative advertisement may help a company’s cost on advertisement worthwhile[1]. However, this is no longer a competitive factor for an advertisement to be outstanding, since the society does not lack innovation everywhere.

  After looking up different advertisements, being ethical and definitely focusing on society’s need is what I think may lead to a great success in advertising. The advertisement of Pantene[2] (the shampoo company) and the idea on advertising from a Japanese free copy shop[3] lead me to realize this thought.

  The advertisement of Pantene, which is called Deaf Violinist, is the best advertisement I have ever seen. Though not showing the product all the time in the advertisement, it is still impressive and makes me want to own a shampoo like Pantene. The advertisement makes this by designing a moving story to encourage individuals dare to dream. After that, it skillfully links the idea of the company, which is “you can shine” to the story. The whole process seems quite natural. I think everyone who has seen the advertisement will be moved and finally remember this diligent company.

  Tongyan Kuaidou is the one who runs free copy shop. He was still a university student when he owned a shop like this. He provided free and unlimited paper for students in the university to copy whatever they want. This seems non-profitable. However, the truth is that he earned a lot by running the shop. He made this by contacting and allowing companies who want to advertise to pay to paste their advertisement on the other side of the paper. In this way, the free copy shop gets revenue from helping to advertise. The students who go to the shop are able to print without any money by using papers that are one-side blank and one-side advertisement provided by the shop. Those advertisements then are spread to the students and can be kept by the students for a long period, which makes the company able to be remembered by their target customers, students.

  The common point of these two companies is that they focus more on contribution. What they do is to think of customers first. Pantene tries encouraging the whole society to have a positive attitude towards life while the Japanese free copy shop thinks of providing welfare for those students. These make me have a feeling that if you are really contributing to the others and doing good to the world, everything is going to pay back. Advertisements are like this, so do our life.





[1] “70 Creative Advertisements That Make You Look Twice.” Hongkiatcom RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Sept. 2014. <>.

[2] “PANTENE : A Very Touching Deaf Violinist Commercial.” YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 27 Sept. 2014. <>.

[3] N.p., n.d. Web. <>.

“What Is the Difference Between Marketing and Advertising?” About. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Sept. 2014. <>.

Business ethics

Spreading business ethics widely is of great benefit to the whole business world for it works quicker and more efficient than government’s action. If most of the corporations strictly obey the social rules and take doing good to the customers, the environment, etc as significant issue, the illegal issues in business world is surely going to decrease and maintain a well-organized business world.

To raise the business world’s business ethics, executives play an important role. In the article The Slippery Slope of Getting Away with Small Stuff, we can see that Stephen Robert Morse’s situation is result from not having specific regulations for his staffs.

The “slippery slope effect” is telling us that all human-beings have the potential to perform illegal behavior, thus executives who decide how the corporation work shall take actions to stop their staffs from going further and further beyond the line. More than that, if everyone has risk to perform illegal action when they are under personal pressure, the society is also supposed to solve the problem. For instance, business schools are supposed to not only bringing students business knowledge, but raise students’ business ethics during their school life, telling them the consequence of cheating. In this way, they are more probable to have had business ethics already before they thoroughly go into business world. What’s more, laws and regulations of the society shall be updated, keeping pace with the changeable world to restrict those illegal behaviors.

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