Lab 3

Planning for a Tsunami by Locating the Danger Zones in the City of Vancouver

City of Vancouver Map – Potential Danger Zones 

Percentage of the City of Vancouver’s total area that would be affected by a potential Tsunami: 

To calculate the total percentage of land that would be affected by a tsunami, I proceeded to create an attribute table with the summarized land use category affected for both layers, which included Vancouver’s Total Landuse Area and Vancouver’s Landuse Area Affected by Tsunami. This was created by selecting Attribute Table > Category > Summarize > Field = Category; Summary Statistics = Shape Area > SUM. This gave me total area of each land use category affected by a potential tsunami, in which underneath Statistics, I was able to find the total sum of Vancouver’s Total Area and Vancouver’s Land Area in the Danger Zone. I divided the total area in the danger zone by the total area of Vancouver, multiplying by 100%, determining the total percentage of land area affected by a potential Tsunami to be 15.50%.

Health Care and Educational facilities within the City of Vancouver potential Tsunami danger zone: 

To locate Health Care and Educational facilities in the Vancouver Danger Zone, I selected the Clip Tool located underneath the Analysis Tool. Under Clip, I selected the Education layer as the Input feature and Vancouver Landuse Danger Zone as the Clip feature. This created a new layer with all Education facilities located in the Danger Zone. I repeated the same process for Vancouver Health Care facilities. To locate the name of schools and health care facilities affected, I looked at the attribute table of each new layer to determine the name of each facility. Located below are the lists of facilities that would be affected by a potential tsunami.

Health Care facilities in the Danger zone include:

  1. False Creek Residence
  2. Broadway Pentecostal Lodge
  3. Coast West Community Home
  4. Yaletown House Society
  5. Villa Cathay Care Home

Education facilities in the Danger zone include:

  1. St Anthony of Padua
  2. Ecole Rose Des Vents
  3. Heritage 3R’s School
  4. Vancouver Montessori School
  5. False Creek Elementary
  6. Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design (ECIAD)
  7. Henry Hudson Elementary
  8. St John’s International
  9. St Francis Xavier
  10. Institiute of Indigenous Government (IIG)