A “driverless” car – a car that functions by itself

In the previous Comm101 class, we had a discussion on why students either own or do not own a hybrid car. Recapping the lecture, hybrid cars are vehicles that run on both gasoline and electricity. It was invented in hopes to create a more sustainable environment, particularly, reduce pollution in the air. I found an article about the anticipated launch of a new car by the Japanese company, Nissan. Reports show that this new vehicle is able to control itself through cameras, radar, and solar sensors. Not only will this car reduce pollution, but it will also help reduce accidents caused by drunk and careless drivers.

The idea of a “driverless” car is bizarre to me. This car will potentially decrease the number of car accidents on the road, but is it right for our society to be put into the hands of these robots? A number of other problems will arise because of this invention. People in the car insurance field, policemen controlling traffic, and construction workers will lose their jobs. Innovations are supposed to improve the lives of human beings, not cause trouble for them.


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