Google: Traditional Entrepreneurship Defined

To find an innovative company, one simply needs to open the closest web browser. Google has completely redefined cyber space to the point where it is taken for granted. Google has gone even further than Schumpeter’s definition of the entrepreneur “revolutionizing the pattern of production”. Google has changed the way we think. That, in my opinion, is the true mark of an innovator, of someone who not only takes advantage of change, but pushes it forward as well.

When Larry Page and Sergey Brin launched Google in 1998, their mission was to organize the internet. Their “pursuit of opportunity” definitely exceeded “the resources they currently controlled” (Stevenson’s definition of an entrepreneur).

It hasn’t stopped at their search engine either. Google has constantly been trying to innovate; to take control of the fast-paced technology sector. In fact, in 2011, Google had over 50 acquisitions.

Their next big project? Google Wallet. If that isn’t innovation – completely changing a staple in our livesĀ  and making it digital – I don’t know what is. As Drucker said, the entrepreneur “always searches for change, responds to it, and exploits it as an opportunity”. That is exactly what Google is trying to do in our digital age.

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