Curriculum Vitae

download my CV (current as of May 2024)

Education +


PhD in Linguistics
University of California, Berkeley
Dissertation title: The interaction of syntax and metaphor in gesture: A corpus-experimental approach [download pdf]
Committee: Eve Sweetser (chair), Terry Regier, Mahesh Srinivasan (Psychology)


MA in Linguistics
University of California, Berkeley


BA in Language, Cognition, and Computation (Independent) and in Anthropology; correlate in Computer Science 
Vassar College (Poughkeepsie, NY)

Publications +

Note: * indicates a student co-author.

Journal articles

Stickles, Elise; and Ellen Dodge. Under review. Corpus-based computational frame and construction review analysis of motion metaphors. In M. Petruck and N. Schneider (Eds.), Frames and Constructions in NLP. Special issue of Language Resources and Evaluation.

Johnstone, Caitlin*; and Elise Stickles. (2024). Navigating the climate change minefield: The influence of metaphor on climate doomism. Frontiers in Communication 9, e1380092.

Stickles, Elise; and Tasha N. Lewis. (2017). Wednesday’s meeting really is on Friday: A meta-analysis and evaluation of ambiguous spatiotemporal language. Cognitive Science 42(3), 1015-1025.

Lewis, Tasha N., and Elise Stickles. (2017). Gestural modality and addressee perspective influence how we reason about time. Cognitive Linguistics 28(1), 45-76.

Stickles, Elise; Dodge, Ellen; David, Oana; and Jisup Hong. (2016). Formalizing contemporary conceptual metaphor theory: A structured repository for metaphor analysis. Constructions and Frames 8(2), 166-213.

David, Oana; Lakoff, George; and Elise Stickles. Cascades in metaphor and grammar: A case study of metaphors in the gun debate. Constructions and Frames 8(2), 214-253.

Book chapters

Lewis, Tasha N.; Kirkhart, Matthew; and Elise Stickles. (2004). Patterned iconicity for second language acquisition: Differential effects of gesture type on lexical category. In Brown, A. & Eskildsen, S. W. (Eds), Multimodality across epistemologies in second language research. Routledge. View chapter

Sweetser, Eve; David, Oana; and Elise Stickles. (2019). MetaNet: Automated metaphor identification across languages and domains. In M. Bolognesi, M. Brdar, & K. S. Despot (Eds.), Metaphor and Metonymy in the Digital Age: Theory and methods for building repositories of figurative language. John Benjamins.

Stickles, Elise, Dodge, Ellen, David, Oana, and Jisup Hong. (2018). Formalizing contemporary
conceptual metaphor theory: A structured repository for metaphor analysis. In M. R. L.
Petruck (Ed.), MetaNet (pp. 37-83). John Benjamins.

David, Oana, Lakoff, George, and Elise Stickles. (2018). Cascades in metaphor and grammar: A
case study of metaphors in the gun debate. In M. R. L. Petruck (Ed.), MetaNet (pp. 85-

Conference proceedings

Kastner, I., Kotek, H., Dockum, R., Dow, M., Esipova, M., Green, C., Snider, T., & Stickles, E. (2022). The open letter: Responses and recommendations. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Society of America 7(1). 5257.

Dodge, Ellen; Trott, Sean; Gilardi, Luca; and Elise Stickles. (2017). Grammar scaling: Leveraging FrameNet data to increase Embodied Construction Grammar coverage. The AAAI 2017 Spring Symposium on Computational Construction Grammar and Natural Language Understanding Technical Report SS-17-02. 154-162. AAAI

Stickles, Elise; David, Oana; and Eve Sweetser. (2016). Grammatical constructions, frame structure, and metonymy: Their contributions to metaphor computation. Proceedings of the 11th Meeting of the High Desert Linguistics Society (HDLS) 2015. 317-345.

Dodge, Ellen; Hong, Jisup; and Elise Stickles. (2015). MetaNet: Deep semantic automatic metaphor analysis. In E. Shutova, B. B. Klebanov, & P. Lichtenstein (eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Metaphor in NLP (pp. 40-49). NAACL HLT 2015.

Stickles, Elise. (2013). Focus Constructions in ASL: Evidence from Pseudoclefting and Doubling. University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics 19(1), 207-216. [UPenn]

Doorly, N; Irving, K; McArthur, G; Combie, K; Engel, V; Sakhtah, H; Stickles, E; Rosenblum, H; Gutierrez, A; Root, R; Liew, C-W; and JH Long, Jr. (2009). Biomimetic Evolutionary Analysis: Robotically-simulated Vertebrates in a Predator-Prey Ecology. Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Symposium on Artificial Life, 147-154.

Edited volumes

Cathcart, Chundra; Chen, I-Hsuan; Finley, Greg; Kang, Shinae; Sandy, Clare S.; and Elise Stickles, Eds. (2013). Proceedings of the 37th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society (BLS). [access journal]

Presentations +

Note: * indicates a student co-author.


Sweetser, Eve; and Elise Stickles. (2024, October 8). MetaNet – Its Current Status and Future Directions. Paper presented at the 21st EURALEX (European Association for Lexicography) International Congress, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Abou Mikhael, Kamal*; and Elise Stickles. (2024, June 27). Canadian English metaphoric constructions in DCHP. Poster presented at the Inaugural Meeting of the Cognitive Linguistics Association of North America, Montréal, Quebec.

Grogan, Kimberly*; and Elise Stickles. (2024, June 27). ‘Climate cults’ and ‘climate sin’: Religious metaphors and the framing of climate change in American and Canadian newspapers. Paper presented at the Inaugural Meeting of the Cognitive Linguistics Association of North America, Montréal, Quebec.


Grogan, Kimberly*; and Elise Stickles. (2023, August 9). Climate change: a constructional approach. Paper presented at the 16th Meeting of the International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Düsseldorf, Germany.

Moar, Sarah*; and Elise Stickles. (2023, August 8). ‘it semed to be sumthing’: Constructing Salem’s Witnesses’ Seem-Construct-i-con. Paper presented at the 16th Meeting of the International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Düsseldorf, Germany.

Moar, Sarah*; Bonnefille, Stéphanie; Sweetser, Eve; and Elise Stickles. (2023, August 10). Building the French-language MetaNet Wiki: A collaborative online resource for metaphor and image schema analysis en français. Paper presented at the 16th Meeting of the International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Düsseldorf, Germany.

Johnstone, Caitlin*; Browning, Celeste*; and Elise Stickles. (2023, June 28). Diffusing the time bomb – Differential impacts of metaphor on climate doomism. Paper presented at Researching and Applying Metaphor 16, Alcalá de Henares, Spain.

Stickles, Elise; Arrieta-Zamudio, Ana*; Lozano, Inés; Olavarría, Yorka*; and Rodolfo Ortiz. (2023, June 30). ¿El virus del dragón o un pequeño covicho?: Variation and change in COVID-19 metaphors across varieties of Spanish”. Paper presented at Researching and Applying Metaphor 16, Alcalá de Henares, Spain.


Stickles, Elise; Laparle, Schuyler; Browning, Celeste*; Du, Vivian*; Jones, Kelly*; Lahouli; Med Amine; Lozano, Inés; and Eve Sweetser. (2022, September 21). Challenges for multilingual metaphor corpora: Methods and guiding principles. Paper presented at Researching and Applying Metaphor 15. Bialystok, Poland.

Laparle, Schuyler; Stickles, Elise; Sweetser, Eve; and Bryce Wallace*. (2022, September 21). Moral framing and pandemic metaphors. Paper presented at Researching and Applying Metaphor 15. Bialystok, Poland.

Browning, Celeste*; and Elise Stickles. (2022, September 21). Microvariation in inner circle Englishes: COVID-19 metaphors in Canadian and American English. Paper presented at Researching and Applying Metaphor 15. Bialystok, Poland.

Kastner, I., Kotek, H., Dockum, R., Dow, M., Esipova, M., Green, C., Snider, T., & Stickles, E. (2022). The open letter: Responses and recommendations. Paper presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Society of America, Washington, DC. January 7, 2022.


Krause, C., Farsani, D., Stickles, E., & Sweetser, E. (2021). Mode-switching while code-switching: An exploration of bilinguals’ use of gestures when using two languages. Paper presented at the 6th International Conference of Asia-Pacific LSP & Professional Communication Association (LSPPC6), City University of Hong Kong. June 5, 2021.


Stickles, Elise, Lewis, Tasha, and Matthew Kirkhart. The effects of spatial manipulation and mental imagery skills on gesture production. Paper presented at the 15th meeting of the International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC 15), Nishinomya, Japan. August 9, 2019.


Stickles, Elise, and Ellen Dodge. Mapping it all out: Delineating the role of metaphors and frames in a constructional approach. Paper presented at Constructional semantics: Cognitive, functional and typological approaches, Helsinki, Finland. August 25, 2018.

Dodge, Ellen, Luca, Gilardi, and Elise Stickles. Re-thinking frames from a constructional perspective. Paper presented at Constructional semantics: Cognitive, functional and typological approaches, Helsinki, Finland. August 25, 2018.


Dodge, Ellen, and Elise Stickles. Analyzing metaphoric source-domain language in corpora: A MetaNet approach. Paper presented at the 14th meeting of the International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC 14), Tartu, Estonia. July 13, 2017.

Stickles, Elise. An experimental approach to multimodal metaphoric utterances. Paper presented at the 14th meeting of the International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC 14), Tartu, Estonia. July 13, 2017.

Dodge, Ellen, Trott, Sean, Gilardi, Luca, and Elise Stickles. Grammar scaling: Leveraging FrameNet data to increase Embodied Construction Grammar coverage. Paper presented at the AAAI Spring Symposium on Construction Grammar and Natural Language Understanding, Stanford, California. March 27, 2017.


Stickles, Elise and Ellen Dodge. A computationally-aided frame and construction-based analysis of motion metaphors in corpora. Paper presented at the 9th meeting of the International Conference on Construction Grammar, Juiz de Fora, Brazil. October 6, 2016.

Stickles, Elise. A multimodal Embodied Construction Grammar approach to image schematic structure in metaphoric gesture. Paper presented at at the 7th meeting of the International Society for Gesture Studies (ISGS 7), Paris, France. July 22, 2016.

Stickles, Elise, and Ellen Dodge. Literal vs. figurative language use affects the frequency of syntactic patterns. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Washington, D.C. January 7, 2016.


Stickles, Elise, and Tasha N Lewis. The effects of stimulus modality on interpretation of ambiguous temporal metaphors. Paper presented at the 13th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC 13), Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. July 22, 2015.

David, Oana, Dodge, Ellen, Stickles, Elise, and Jisup Hong. Metonymy, metaphors and constructions in a corpus-based Embodied Construction Grammar framework. Paper presented at the 13th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC 13), Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. July 24, 2015.

Dodge, Ellen, Hong, Jisup, and Elise Stickles. MetaNet: Deep semantic automatic metaphor analysis. Paper presented at the 3rd Workshop on Metaphor in NLP, NAACL HLT 2015. Denver, CO. June 5, 2015.


Stickles, Elise, David, Oana, and Eve Sweetser. Frame role type constraints and frame metonymy in metaphoric interpretation. Poster presented at the 11th meeting of the High Desert Linguistics Society (HDLS 11), Albuquerque, NM. November 14, 2014.

Stickles, Elise Dodge, Ellen and Jisup Hong. A construction-driven, MetaNet-based approach to metaphor extraction and corpus analysis. Paper presented at the 12th meeting of Conceptual Structure, Discourse, and Language (CSDL 12), Santa Barbara, CA. November 7, 2014.

Dodge, Ellen, David, Oana, Stickles, Elise, and Eve Sweetser. Constructions and Metaphor: Integrating MetaNet and Embodied Construction Grammar. Paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Construction Grammar (ICCG 8), Osnabrück, Germany. September 4, 2014.

David, Oana, Dodge, Ellen, Hong, Jisup, Stickles, Elise, and Eve Sweetser. Building the MetaNet metaphor repository: The natural symbiosis of metaphor analysis and construction grammar. Paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Construction Grammar (ICCG 8), Osnabrück, Germany. September 4, 2014.

The relation of color naming and the environment. Poster presented at the 36th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Quebec City, Canada. July 26, 2014.

Lewis, Tasha N., and Elise Stickles. Does physical co-presence mediate the effects of gesture on spatiotemporal metaphor?: Gestural priming in virtual discourse space. Paper presented at the 6th meeting of the International Society for Gesture Studies (ISGS 6), San Diego, CA. July 11, 2014.

Semantic change in the visual-spatial modality: Evidence from cross-linguistic body-part naming. Paper presented at the 6th meeting of the International Society for Gesture Studies (ISGS 6), San Diego, CA. July 8, 2014.


Dodge, Ellen, Hong, Jisup, Stickles, Elise, and Oana David. The MetaNet Wiki: A collaborative online resource for metaphor and image schema analysis. Paper presented at the 12th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC 12), Edmonton, AB. June 26, 2013.

Stickles, Elise, and Tasha N. Lewis. Can viewpoint and gesture prime spatiotemporal metaphor use?: The function of gestural metaphoric iconicity in resolving linguistic ambiguity. Paper presented at the 12th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC 12), Edmonton, AB. June 25, 2013.

Hong, Jisup, Stickles, Elise, and Ellen Dodge. The MetaNet metaphor repository: Formalized representation and analysis of conceptual metaphor networks. Paper presented at the 12th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC 12), Edmonton, AB. June 24, 2013.


Focus Constructions in ASL: Evidence from Pseudoclefting and Doubling. Paper presented at the 36th Penn Linguistics Colloquium, University of Pennsylvania. March 24, 2012.


Metaphors in the Modals: ASL Modals and Mental Spaces. Paper presented at the 4th meeting of the International Society for Gesture Studies (ISGS 4), Frankfurt (Oder), Germany. July 26, 2010.

Invited and Non-refereed Presentations +


Stickles, Elise. Implementing a multilingual MetaNet:Challenges and lessons learned when designing a metaphor database. Invited talk, California State Northridge University Linguistics Department. 2024, March 12.


Stickles, Elise. The climate emergency: What can linguists bring to the table? Part of a panel roundtable titled Ecologies, an event in the Critical Conversations series. UBC Department of English Language and Literatures, Vancouver, BC. 2023, February 1.


Stickles, Elise. The role of metaphor in conceptualizing issues, big and small. Part of a panel presentation titled Finding our way: How movement shapes cognition, the third event in the series Moving On: New Research on Migration, Borders, and Health. Green College Leading Scholars Series. Green College, Vancouver, BC. 2022, November 6.


Stickles, Elise. Metaphor is not just the cherry on top of the literary sundae. Green College Leading Scholars Series: Academic appetizer happy hour with Green College Leading Scholars. Green College, Vancouver, BC. 2021, February 17.

Stickles, Elise. An epidemic of poverty, a tsunami of cases, and an onslaught of disease: The metaphoric construal of social Issues as physical harm. Plenary speaker, UBC Language Sciences Undergraduate Research Conference. February 13, 2021.


Stickles, Elise. Usage-based approaches to metaphor analysis and construction grammar. Invited talk, UBC Linguistics Colloquium. October 2, 2020.


Stickles, Elise, Lewis, Tasha N., and Matthew W. Kirkhart. The effects of mental imagery and spatial reasoning skills on gesture production. The UC Berkeley Gesture and Multimodality Group. April 6, 2018.


An experimental approach to metaphoric gesture. Presentation and Workshop at the UC Berkeley Gesture and Multimodality Group. March 10, 2017.


Dodge, Ellen, Stickles, Elise, and Oana David. Computationally-aided deep analysis of cancer metaphors in web-based text. Talk presented at Workshop on Metaphor in Cancer Discourse, UC Berkeley. April 30, 2016.

A corpus approach to grammar and metaphoric gesture. Presentation and Workshop at the UC Berkeley Gesture and Multimodality Group. April 1, 2016.


Image schemas in metaphoric path and manner gestures. Presentation and Workshop at the UC Berkeley Gesture and Multimodality Group. November 13, 2015.


Stickles, Elise, and Tasha N. Lewis. Metaphoric gesture primes spatiotemporal metaphor use. Paper presented at the Stanford-Berkeley Talks, Stanford, CA. June 7, 2013.


Defining Co-Presence: The Source for Higher Gesture Rate in Face-to-Face Communication? (EMCL 2012 Report). Presentation and Workshop at the UC Berkeley Gesture Group. September 28, 2012.


Modality in American Sign Language. Presentation and Workshop at the UC Berkeley Gesture Group. May 7, 2010.

Wh-Movement in ASL: Visual Feature Checking. Paper presented at UC Berkeley Syntax and Semantics Circle. March 19, 2010.

Teaching and Student Supervision +

Courses taught at UBC

English 111: Approaches to Non-fictional Prose – What We Talk about When We Talk about Language

English 112: Strategies for University Writing

English 140/Linguistics 140: Challenging Language Myths (co-taught with Amanda Cardoso)

English 229: Topics in the Study of Language and/or Rhetoric – Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics

English 321: English Grammar and Usage

English 328: Metaphor, Language, and Thought

English 330: The Structure of Modern English: Sounds and Words

English 489: Language Majors Seminar – Multimodal Communication and Cognition

English 508A: Linguistic Studies of Contemporary English – Construction Grammar: Creativity, Multimodality, Metaphor

Language Sciences (APSC 402, ASTU 402, FRST 402, LFS 402, LLED 402, and PHAR 402): Living Language: Science and Society (co-taught with Darko Odic)

Student supervision

PhD students

Kamal Abou Mikhael (current)

PhD committee

Kelsey Wilson (current)
Kim Grogan (current)
Veronika Larsen (current)
Schuyler Laparle (UC Berkeley, 2019): The shape of discourse: How gesture structures conversation

MA students

Caitlin Johnstone (2022): The differential impacts of metaphor on climate doomism

MA thesis reader

Joshua Levesque (current)
Maibell Ong (current)
Kelsey Wilson (2020): Finding comedy in errors : evaluating intentional ambiguity in children’s puns

Undergraduate honours thesis reader

Chloe Dack (2023): Orientational and temporal metaphor in American presidential slogans
Ethan Barnes (2020): The polarized viewpoint phenomenon: How metaphorical models inhibit cognitive coordination in polarized discourse
Joan Koh (2020): The construction of narratives through proper names in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings

Grants Awarded +


2023 £2000 (~$3,321 CAD)
Researching and Applying Metaphor Building Bridges Fund: Climate hope: countering doomism and eco-anxiety

2022 $247,521 CAD
SSHRC Insight Grant, Waging metaphorical war: Cross-linguistic analysis of metaphors for cancer, COVID-19, and climate change


2023 $8,000 CAD
UBC Language Sciences Member Funding Award, Communicating hope: Countering eco-anxiety and climate doomism in research and practice

2023 $3,000 CAD
UBC Arts Undergraduate Research Award, La lutte métaphorique contre le cancer au Canada et en France: Dialectical variation in French metaphors for cancer

2022 $10,000 CAD
Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies Catalyst Collaboration Fund, Differential impacts of metaphor on climate doomism and eco-anxiety in English and French

2022 $3,521 CAD
UBC SSHRC Explore Faculty of Arts Graduate Research Assistant (RA) Support Grant, Documenting metaphors for COVID-19 in the Canadian bilingual context

2021 $2,500 CAD
UBC/SSHRC GRF Bridge Funding, Viral discourse: evaluating the impact of metaphoric language in the COVID-19 pandemic

2020 $4,835 CAD
UBC Hampton Fund New Faculty Research Grant, Transition and Expansion of the MetaNet Metaphor Identification and Analysis System

Professional Activities & Service +

Academic society committees

Membership Officer and Treasurer, Cognitive Linguistics Association of North America (current)

Department and University committees

English Dept Undergraduate Committee member, 2024

English Dept Graduate Committee member; MA sub-committee member; and curriculum sub-committee member, 2021-2023

UBC Green College Leading Scholars Program, 2021-2023

English Dept Hiring Committee member (History of the English Language), 2021-2022

English Dept Online Teaching Working Group, committee member, May 2020-2021

Publication peer review

Signed Language and Gesture Research in Cognitive Linguistics, published by de Gruyter Mouton, 2021

Language Resources and Evaluation, 2019

Cognitive Linguistics, 2017-2018

Cognitive Science, 2017

Gesture, 2016

Conference committees

Student scholarship adjudication committee, International Cognitive Linguistics Conference 16. Conference held at Düsseldorf, Germany, August 7-11, 2023.

Scientific committee (abstract reviewer), International Cognitive Linguistics Conference 16. Conference held at Düsseldorf, Germany, August 7-11, 2023.

Scientific committee (abstract reviewer), Cognitive Linguistics Association of North America Conference. Conference held at Montréal, Quebec, June 27-29, 2023.

Scientific committee (abstract reviewer), Political Discourse: New Approaches to New Challenges? Conference held at the University of Lorraine (Nancy), March 7-8, 2022.

Academic society membership
  • Canadian Linguistic Association
  • International Society for Gesture Studies
  • International Cognitive Linguistics Association
  • Researching and Applying Metaphor
UC Berkeley & Stanford University


Pre-Major Advisor
Stanford University


Social Sciences Matrix Seminar Metaphor: Across Datasets and Methodologies
UC Berkeley


Mentor, UC Berkeley Linguistics Research Apprenticeship Program
Mentor/research advisor to undergraduate research assistants/undergraduate research projects

Founding Co-Organizer, UC Berkeley Linguistics CogNetwork


Scientific committee (abstract reviewer), Berkeley Linguistics Society 38, 39, 40, 41, 42. Conferences held at UC Berkeley.


Executive Committee, Berkeley Linguistics Society

Prior Teaching & Work Experience +

Stanford University


Postdoctoral Fellow, Thinking Matters Program
Team-teaching of interdisciplinary first year undergraduate critical thinking seminars

Courses taught:

  • Breaking Codes, Finding Patterns
  • Food Talks: The Language of Food
  • Why So Few? Gender and Diversity in Leadership
  • 100,000 Years of War
  • Worlds of Sound: Learning to Listen

Summer 2018, 2019

Instructor, Stanford Pre-Collegiate Studies Institute

UC Berkeley


Graduate Student Researcher, MetaNet project


Graduate Student Instructor

Courses taught:

  • Introduction to Cognitive Science
  • Gesture, Cognition, and Culture
  • Endangered Languages: What We Lose when a Language Dies
  • Training for New Linguistics Teaching Assistants
  • Language and Linguistics
  • Introduction to Linguistic Science
  • The Mind and Language
  • Metaphor


Graduate Student Researcher, Up! Project (longitudinal psycholinguistics corpus development)

Summer Schools & Additional Education +

Empirical Methods in Cognitive Linguistics 6
Hosted by Case Western University, Cleveland, OH

Coursework in American Sign Language and Deaf Culture Studies
Berkeley City College

Linguistic Society of America Summer Institute
Hosted by UC Berkeley