My first day at school

My very first day at school as a teacher candidate…


I could not sleep all night. My stomach was full of butterflies. It reminded me of the first of school as a student.

I did not know what to expect from the day. When I entered the first class I was very nervous as I did not know what to do. Do I stand in one spot? Do I try to communicate with the students as the teacher is teaching? Do I approach the students and try to help them as they work on the activity? What kinds of questions do I ask the teacher? What does the teacher think of me? All these questions were running through my head at the same time.

Thinking back to my time in the three different classrooms it is now clear that not every class is the same. Not all the classes require the same type of support. Not all classes are made up of the same students. Not all classes will have the same sense of community. Not all classes will function in the same way. Not all resources and activities will have the same outcome in all the classes.

Observing all three classes I have a better understanding of the challenges I as a teacher may come across. There is a difference between discussing the possible challenges and then actually witnessing them and then resolving the challenges in a timely manner.

As a teacher candidate I need to develop a certain skill set in order to efficiently manage a classroom and become an educator. I need to be flexible with time, students and the activity on hand. I need to adapt to the different situations that may arise as students interact with one another. I need to understand that if a student is not in the mind set to function I first need to calm the student down and progress forward. I can not expect a student to follow my directions if he or she is not ready.

I have come to a realization that there is much more to being an educator. A teacher is not only an educator but a support system a student looks up to for stability, support, and motivation.

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