RE: Drawbacks of Points of Difference

While reading my classmates’ blogs, I came across this interesting blog post by Aidan Lau on points of difference, which took the newly launched iPhone 5S as an example. He points out that the article he chose is concerned with the drawback of the fingerprint system is the insecurity as government and hackers can access fingerprint information of individuals. However, Aidan thinks we should not put too much focus on the points of difference as it can lead to technology development constraints.

As a user of iPhone 5S, I strongly agree with Aidan. For firms, the fingerprint system is the main feature that differentiates iPhone 5S from the other smart phones that brings them sales and makes them stand out. For customers, like myself, I find the fingerprint system really useful as it saves a lot of time and efforts on typing in passwords.

It is certainly a good thing to consider thoroughly while launching a new product. However, it is slightly exaggerating to deny the benefits of the fingerprint system with some reasons that may not necessarily come across in daily life basics.

Work Cited:

Drawback of Points of Difference


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