Selected Assignments

UBC’s English 301: Technical Writing is a comprehensive writing course that allows students to explore effective methods in writing in the workforce and communication skills. The following collection is some of my best works that I have created in the Fall 2016 semester:

  1. Technical Definitions Assignment
    • I have chosen to write about the term “Cognitive dissonance” due to the fact that I have written extensive about the topic during my BA at SFU. However, I have had difficulty explaining the concept to people whom aren’t a Psychology major. It had been an “eye opening” experience.
    • LINK to my assignment page
    • LINK to the DOC file
  2. Formal Report Proposal
    • For my Formal Report Proposal, I have chosen to take on the daunting of improving the “Starbucks experience” by pushing the “mobile-first” strategy. This has been an exciting experience to contribute towards the company I love.
    • LINK to my assignment page
    • LINK to the DOC file
  3. Complaint Letter
    • A mock complaint letter to Apple Canada regarding Apple Music subscription billing error. As the textbook and Dr. Paterson’s blog explains, there are many rules and regulations to follow for a formal complaint letter to be effective when dealing with a company.
    • LINK to my assignment page
    • LINK to the PDF file
  4. Peer Review of Jade’s LinkedIn Profile Page
    • I was given the chance to review my group PW301’s teammate’s LinkedIn profile for my assignment. This was a great learning experience as I have never peer-reviewed a profile page before. It helped me realize, through the peer-review process, that in order for a LinkedIn profile page to be effective, there are several rules to follow.
    • LINK to my assignment page
    • LINK to the PDF file

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