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Angry Bird Addiction

I found a very interesting topic discussed in Claudia’s Blog.It’s amazing to see how Angry Bird went from a simple game on our phones to a global brand and recognition. The company Rovio has been very smart on expanding the Angry Birds to markets of clothes, toys  and  gadgets.  However, it is true that no matter how popular the game is, eventually people will forget and move on to the next big thing. I personally went through a phase of being addicted the game Angry Bird ,but as now I scroll down my list of games on my phone, I realized that Angry Bird ‘s been deleted and I can no longer recall the last time that I played it. I agree with Claudia’s insight about branding the company ‘Rovio’ instead of  focusing on Angry Birds, as eventually the hype surround Angry Birds will fade.  I’d also like to add that it’s important for Rovio to innovate and offer new products that continue to capture consumer’s fast paced interest.




Best Employer

If I were to asked the question about whom I’d like to work for ,  some of my first responses would  be ‘ Google, Zappo and Facebook.’ What made these companies attractive employers is my impression of them as having a work place atmosphere that not only enjoyable but also very exciting.

Google has  been crowned second time consecutively as being the ‘Most Desirable Employer’ by Universum ranking. This isn’t surprising as Google is one of the most well known and profitable company in the world. However what made Google stood out and took the number one spot was the distinct culture of the organization. Not only Google provides employees with a legendary first class cafeteria, clubs, movie nights and free salon are just a few privileges enjoyed by its employees.

As discussed in class, although on the short term perspective, implementing such strategy can be very costly. However, in the long run, treating workers well is very beneficial for the company itself. Google not only gain a great reputation which can be used as a marketing tactic,   but also having happy employees ensures a high employee loyalty resulting in a low turnover rate that ultimately saves millions of money.

Well played Google!        

Farewell HMV

After reading a blog post from the  Vancity Buzz on the the closure of HMV Robson& Burrard,  it has made me connect the topic back to the Blockbuster’s bankruptcy.  Just like Netflix taking over Blockbuster, online sources such as iTunes and Youtube are driving HMV out of business.( at least out of the heart of Downtown Vancouver).  Just as the post mentioned,  very few people now days  pay visits to an actual music store. Much transactions are done online. With HMV unable to adapt to changes nor innovate their services, it isn’t surprising to see the company going downhill. This stresses the importance of innovation. When we look at Apple and Google, we see the trend of constant fresh products and services. It is this innovative characteristic of the company that allows it to rise and shine above the crowd.



Groupon is a website that sells coupons, it partners up with local businesses and offers deals ranging from 50 %- 90 % off over 500 markets. In my opinion, Groupon qualifies as an entrepreneurial company  with its innovative  business idea and different ways of operating. Groupon operates on a model where it will only offer its ‘deal-of-the-day’ if enough customers have purchased the particular coupon. This method attracts small businesses, because it not only ensures companies to advertise at a lower risk but also serves promotional purposes of the services being offered. Groupon has initiated the online discount website trend and has grown rapidly by making a profit by taking a percentage from the price consumer pays for deal.Groupon possess distictive characteristics that are noted to be an entrepreneurial company.

This Coca Cola Commercial that was brought to my attention by my  TA  really had me giving my applause to the Coca Cola Company. The commercial starts with polar bears in the arctic struggling for survival due to the drastic global warming. Coca cola then talks about the company’s involvement with  the World Wild Fund  and donation that the company plans to make, which finally leads into their product of Coca Cola which will have a different packaging as a symbol of their commitment.

Although I am not a big fan of this drink, after watching this commercial, it had made me want to buy  Coca Cola as a support of the polar bears. This shows that demonstrating and emphasizing the company’s corporate responsibility  to the public can be a very powerful marketing tool. It not only builds great reputation for the company but also makes its consumers feel self-satisfied in a way as if they had contributed to their surroundings. Marketing using corporate responsibility is an effective tactics that is used by many corporations in various industries. However, it raises concerns whether if the company really does care about the environment or just doing so to make more money. In any case, despite the motivation behind,  companies are still doing  something good for the planet




I’ve heard the buzz surrounding the Wall Street protest but have never looked into it until I came across this campaign today.



Occupying Wall Street is a series of non-violent of protests proposed by the Canadian Activist group- Adbusters. The event started on September 17th,2011 and is ongoing with millions of participants occupying Manhattan’s Zuccotti Park. The main cause was to protest against social inequality and corporate corruptions although with some protesting the war in Iraq and many participants that do not have a specific demand. The protest is expanding and soon coming home to Canada’s major cities including Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver on Oct.15th.

As a student, I do not feel the weight of the financial burden of living, but I am just as frustrated with the the extreme  social inequality along side with corporations still trying to rip every penny off consumers.  I must say I agree with Rebekah’s opinion on this event and I understand the motives of the protesters. However, this movement  isn’t likely  going to bring huge changes to our current society. Nevertheless, we are putting in efforts and expressing our thoughts hoping that one day  equality could be achieved.

The End of an Era

The most repeated status on Facebook today was’ r.i.p Steve Jobs’

Although I  know very little about Steve Jobs nor have I ever watched his key notes presentations, the loss of Steve Jobs feels like as if I have lost a friend. I can confidently say that Steve Jobs has made significant changes to my life. Just look at me now, never leave  the house without my iTouch, always hooked on my nano and even now I’m sitting in front of my Mac as I put down this entry. Steve Job is all around me and I’m sure that I am not the only one. However, what does the official end of  the ‘Jobs era’  mean to Apple?  Just yesterday Apple has announced the release of iPhone 4S which had  failed  people’s expectations.  With the exact same design and little new features, iPhone 4S was anti-climatic. Has the Apple’s innovation died along with Steve Jobs? We could only patiently wait for  the iPhone 5  and hope that it will make us say ‘wow’

With the launch of Google Plus, Google Inc. was up for a battle to dethrone the king of the social media industry-Facebook. However, so far not so good.
As discussed in class, being second place in the industry, companies must take on a different approach that position themselves apart from its competitors.
 Aside from calling ‘friends’ as ‘circles’ Google Plus offers nothing more but a replica of facebook. Especially now with facebook’s new features taking in place, Google plus is just a ‘lame’ version of facebook.
It’s hard to believe that even for a corporation like Google,  the marketing board cannot grasp the basic theory of  brand positioning. Unless Google Plus come up with something catchy that grabs our attention, it is due to be beheaded.


You have probably noticed  changes happening to  your facebook profile already. The annoying live feed that make it easier for people to stalk each other and the unnecessary ‘actual size’ of  photos that take way too much space on your screen. However, facebook is not done yet. The CEO of facebook, Mark Zuckerberg has announced their changes to facebook during the recent f8 Conference.

Introducing Facebook Timeline.

It is a the new template of facebook where your activities are arranged in a chronological order. the timeline enables you to share your life over internet from the day you were born ’til this day.

Facebook will no longer just a place for social networking, it has become so much more of a life-documentary platform.  Is facebook on a journey to diminish face to face in person interactions? Is it possible that people will soon only communicate through several clicks on the mouse?  Facebook already has caused many problems to our reputations and could the timeline take the  over-exposure to another level ?

It is scary to think that a simple website could do so much to our  daily lives.



Lulu is seaweed-less


Born and raised in Vancouver,  Lululemon clothing line has always been applauded for its enviornmental-friendliness, ethics and of course, its skin tight yoga pants that makes every butt look great.

In 2007, with the launch of VitaSea shirts, questions were also raised  whether just how much is Lululemon living up to what they claim themselves to be.  VitaSea is a line of Lululemon that  make shirts with seaweed. According to the product tag, it “releases marine amino acids, minerals and vitamins into the skin upon contact with moisture.”

However,  The New York Times conducted a lab on these shirts and to our surprise,         no evidence of seaweed was found.

We  make purchases at Lululemon because we trust the brand and can rely on its promises, however this ‘seaweed scandal’  puts a frown on our faces, questioning Lululemon’s ethics. Customers pay more to what was believed ‘organic clothing’ but really to find out it is merely  just another overpriced fabric.  The false marketing leave us feeling cheated and clueless about what is actually true behind the friendly mask. Although people will still shop at this store but not without a mind of caution.

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