Walmart….. Ethical or Not?

In todays economic driven world, in the western culture, people are driven by self interest. Consumers are looking to buy products for less money, thus benefiting themselves. And organizations are looking to maximize profits an cut costs in an effort to pursue there own self interest. Because of this “self interest”, many organizations can fall into practicing certain unethical business practices.

An example of this would be Walmart, a company who is famous for having the lowest prices out of everywhere. This company may have started off with good intentions of being fair to its workers, and supplying excellent value for its customers, but due to intense competition with other competing organizations, they have resulted to some “more the questionable business practices, which some might call “unethical”.

An article i have read brought light to these issues on ethics. The article talked about how Walmart was against it’s workers being apart or a labour union, and how it would prohibit its employees from talking to one. The company allegedly has gone so far as to bribe its employees to report others who have talked to a union. Also, the company has known to be one that is not fair to its women workers in respects to wages and promotions. Both issues above are very unethical practices, and should be corrected.

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