Blockbuster playing catch up after bold business move.

In comm 101, in class, we talked about blockbuster, a major movie rental organization, making a rather large and costly mistake, which put them behind in the competition for market control. Blockbuster in a bold decision decided to implement kiosk movie rentals into their business design as they were trying to compete with up and coming online rental organizations such as netflix. They felt that this bold tactic would definitely advance them farther towards there strategy to gain predominant market control. Yet, the consumer preference leaned towards the online side of business. This business decision cost blockbuster quite a lot of money, and now blockbuster is just trying to concentrate on their brand power to let them survive.

After talking about this, i became interested in the topic. I went to the blockbuster near my house and i started up a conversation about this with the manager to see how the effects are being felt up in Canada. It turns out that this “huge mess” is actually not really felt up in Canada, and the Canadian blockbusters are doing rather great. This is quite confusing to me. How is it that the same organizations effects are not felt the same in different countries?

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