Education: Intelligence or Stupidity?

Education: Intelligence or Stupidity?


The question here is: “ Is education really the smartest move for young people right now, or could they lead a more promising life as a entrepreneur?”  Many people are saying different answers for this question. Some say that education is the only way, and if you get a degree, you will get a good job, and a good job means good money. Is this true, or is it just the old dogma of a failing system in our society.

Others say that you don’t need post-secondary education, all you need is your high school, and a hard working attitude, and you will be successful. Just start some kind of business and look for the opportunities, you should be fine. At least that is what Robert T. Kiyosaki thought in his book “Rich Dad Poor Dad”. But does this really provide the much need “security” in this financial crisis that we are facing?

Well, my opinion is that i believe in doing both. In this world young people cannot afford to not be educated, just hoping they will catch some kind of break. This uneducation is what caused the crisis in the first place.

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