Reflection of the year.



Today i finished writing my reflective summary paper for comm.  I just have to do one more proof read tomorrow morning, and then  am good to go. After doing this assignment it got me really thinking and reflecting on the past and what happened this whole semester. It went by so fast. Today i decided to write a blog about some reflections of this past term in comm 101, what i learned, what i enjoyed, and what was the most important lesson.

Well, to start off, i learned so much in this course. It was really the first big business course i was ever in, and it exposed me to so much. I learned about various marketing strategies and different aspects of entrepreneurship. I learned how to write a case study, which took me quite a while to get the hang of. (note to self: do not forget headings). But i would say, the most important thing that i learned this whole year, which will help me through my whole life no matter what i do is how to create an effective team.  This little lesson will go into every aspect of my life, as people are everywhere.

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