Most Important Lesson Learned.

In my life, I can say the most important lesson that i have learned has been a lesson that has taken my whole life to learn, and is still being learned today as I go on. Ever since I was a small child, respect was a big idea and concept that was talked about in my house, and was something that was taught to me at a very early age. My mother always said to me, “always respect everyone you deal with, no matter what the circumstance you find yourself and them in”. I understood this at an early age at a very shallow value, in terms of saying please and thankyou.

But, in my later life, I began to understand this lesson very deeply. Respect goes above and beyond just being polite. Respect is a way to live ones life. A way to go and approach any given situation and come out as a winner no matter what the outcome. And what i mean about respect in this context is going and listening to what people have to say, and treating them with integrity and respect no matter how ludacris the things they are saying. This fact itself, has got me many jobs in the past, and many other opportunities as being Captain of various sports teams etc..

Respect is something in my household that was taught at an early age, but was a lesson that never seemed to end. It has served me well through out my whole life, and I believe will serve me well for the rest of my life. Even though i may feel that I have a fairly good understanding of what “respect” truly means, I feel that my lesson will continue on and develop even more as I begin to enter into the proffesional phase of my life. I feel that this lesson is hands down the most important lesson that i have learned so far, and will continue to learn.

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