Fresh Mind

Worthy vs Unworthy Lives

Posted by in ASTU

This week in ASTU, we talked about the first chapter of Judith Butler’s Frames of War. Although I had difficulty reading it at the beginning, I really enjoyed it. She claimed in her book that we are all connected and our survivability depends on one another. Other than this, she critiqued the US’ reaction towards the 9/11 incident and the democracy it was trying to preach. I liked many things about her way of thinking since I’m a pacifist myself. I know it’s a strong word to claim just like…read more


A Search for Redemption

Posted by in ASTU

Welcome to Term 2 of ASTU! When the class began last week, we discussed the novel, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer. This may be familiar to a lot of people since Tom Hanks and Sandra Bullock starred in the film adaptation of the novel. Although I expected the book to centre in the 9/11 terrorist attack, it focused on the coping of a young boy named Oskar who lost his father in the incident. There has been a debate whether the book believed that 9/11 is…read more


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