Nursing Education Interactive Workshops

Hello all,

The EKM Teaching Scholarship is starting a monthly series of interactive workshops on nursing education. Our first workshop will take place on Tuesday April 2nd between 12:00 and 12:50 in room T182 at the School of Nursing. Future workshops can include presentations, guest facilitators, hands-on activities, debates and discussions. Our first workshop will cover contemporary techniques in higher education and will be facilitated by Bernie Garrett. All faculty, alumni and students are welcome to attend. Coffee and snacks will be provided but please bring your own lunch.

If you would like to attend the workshop, please respond to Allana Hearn ( so we can order coffee and snacks for everyone.

These workshops are complimentary to the EKM Journal Club and Teaching Matters Blog and Twitter feed. We will be using the blog to promote the Journal Club, Workshops and other EKM activities throughout the year so please check it out.


Allana Hearn

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