EKM Education Workshop #2: Interactive Classroom Technologies

On Tuesday May 7th, the second EKM Education Workshop was held focusing on the emerging trend of Interactive Classroom Technologies, in particular we explored Polling Systems.

Nursing students in the current cohort have ranked polling as their top preference in interactive classroom technologies, and a demonstration explored the user-friendliness and capabilities of Polleverywhere and Micropoll.

The use of technology in teaching is being embedded early, with many primary and secondary schools now incorporating interactive technologies such as classroom polling and  whiteboard technology into their lessons.  Students can actually go up and touch the interactive board during their lessons, adding another dimension to their learning.

Poll Everywhere

Currently the SoN uses a stand-alone system called turning point.  Many faculty find this difficult to use and the glitches detracting from their lectures.  Polleverywhere provides a useful free alternative, but has a limitation on class size in the free version. This cell phone or web based system allows the user to set up polls for free providing that no more than 40 people are being surveyed. Although many classes are typically much larger than this, students can work in groups to come up with their best answer and avoid this limitation. For those that are unable to text without an SMS cost, the polls can also be accessed from any web browser, or from Twitter accounts.

Polleverywhere allows for flexibility when asking questions allowing the user to set up multiple choice and open-ended questions. The anonymity provided by real time online polling allows instructors to tackle sensitive or challenging subjects and gear conversations towards students’ viewpoints that may not be voiced under other circumstances. The polls can be readily downloaded as PowerPoint slides, and even come with instruction slides that can be incorporated into lectures. The polls can also be opened in a web browser to avoid any delay that may result from cellphone networks.

In order for Polleverywhere to accommodate the 120 students in a class, a membership must be purchased. Unfortunately the yearly subscription is pricey, although the cost of batteries that must be purchased for the Turning Point clicker system also makes our current system a costly option. Depending on the popularity among faculty and students, the cost could be passed onto students as a lab/course fee of $3.50 per student. This would require using the technology enough that students feel like they got their money worth.


Micropoll allows users to create web polls fairly effortlessly and for free and then embed them in a web page in Blackboard Connect or post a link to the poll at MicroPoll. A webpolling system may be useful for testing understanding of pre-readings prior to a lecture, or exploring attitudes.. Once the poll is created, a URL is provided that can be pasted as a link on Blackboard Connect. This is also a great way to augment a lecture and generate interactivity with pre or post lecture polling and engage students. An example is given below.

These advances in technology provide for new ways of student engagement during lectures, and polls will be circulated to determine faculty interest. If you were unable to attend this workshop and would be interesting in attending a workshop on this topic please email Allana.

Slides form The session can be downloaded here: EKM Workshop 2 Slides

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