The TiM Club is excited to host a lecture with Dr. Robin Coope and Dr. Robert Meek, who will be discussing the partnership between engineers and clinicians for the development of an orthopaedic trauma implant.
Joint development of a new surgical implant for the fixation of displaced pelvic ring fractures
Speakers: Dr. Robin Coope, and Dr. Robert Meek (see bios below)
Location: MSAC – Medical Student & Alumni Centre (Room will be specified later), 2750 Heather Street, Vancouver, BC
Time: March 9th, 6:00 pm
If you are thinking of attending, please RSVP here. We hope to see many of you there!
The pelvic ring is the area of the body between the spine and legs. It is a ring structure composed of bone and strong ligaments. When it is fractured and needs to be repaired, the fractured pieces need to be put back into the correct position and strongly held there by some mechanically strong device until the fractures and ligamentous injuries heal.
Drs. Meek, Coope and colleagues are collaborating on the development of an innovative way to stabilize the curved pelvic ring after it is fractured. This collaboration started in 2010 and promising early results led to the technology being licensed and expanded funding via co-funded grants and now start up company. This project truly illustrates a collaborative effort by the sciences of Medicine and Engineering and the value of doing commercial clinical technology development in close collaboration with institutional partners.
Robin Coope – PhD (UBC ’06) PEng
Dr. Robin Coope is the Group Leader for Instrumentation at the BC Cancer Agency Genome Sciences Centre. He is a co-director of the Genome BC Technology Development Platform, and has 20 years of research and technology development experience.
Robert N. Meek – BSc (UBC ’64), MD (UBC ’68), FRCSC – Orthopaedic Surgery 1974
Dr. Robert N. Meek is a clinical professor emeritus for the faculty of medicine at UBC in the Division of Orthopaedic Trauma. He has 30+ years of clinical practice, teaching, and clinical research experience in his field. He is a former head Division of Orthopaedic Trauma for UBC & VGH, as well as the former chief of staff at VGH.
UBC Technology in Medicine Club
Our mailing address is:
UBC TiM Club
2332 Main Mall
Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1Z4