
Newsletter – Nov. 2016

Hello Everyone,

The UBC Technology in Medicine Club (TiM Club) will be hosting a hands-on workshop on laparoscopic surgery and robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery with the Da Vinci robot.

What: Robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery and laparoscopic surgery workshop
When6:00-7:30 pm and 7:30 – 9:00 pm on Thursday, November 3rd
Where: Basement of Vancouver General Hospital
Enter the lottery for seats by signing up by 11:59PM Saturday, October 29th at the following link: https://goo.gl/forms/ueEG4fJg0mIvI2503. Drawn names will be notified on Sunday, October 30th

More information:
Dr. Christopher Nguan, a practicing urologist at VGH, will teach the basic techniques of both robot-assisted and manual laparoscopic surgery. After that you’ll get to sit in the driver seat of the da Vinci Si surgical robot (picture attached) to try out a surgical task. Another station will involve a surgical resident teaching you basic suturing skills. The event will be held in the biomedical engineering department of VGH and pizza will be provided.

The workshop is open to both medical and engineering students. We will randomly select 48 students to participate in the workshops. Please note that we cannot accommodate more than that although we wish we could. For med students: unfortunately, this workshop will not be offered at the distributed medical sites.

Save the date! We’ll be having a TiM Talk on November 30th on technology in global health at the Medical Student Alumni Centre! More details to follow in the upcoming weeks.

For questions or comments, please email ubctimclub@gmail.com. We look forwarding to seeing you on November 3rd!


TiM Club

(For more information, please see our website: https://blogs.ubc.ca/techinmed/ )

Newsletter – Mar. 2016


The UBC TiM Club is excited to be hosting two events in the near future, so get ready to mark down some dates on your calendar!

We will be hosting an eHealth TiM Talk on March 10th, as well as another da Vinci Night on March 31st. The full information the eHealth TiM Talk is below, and the da Vinci Night details will be coming in an email within the next two weeks. Feel free to checkout our website for info on our past events, and on other interesting events, such as the UBC IEEE EMBS.

TiM Talk
Doctor on Demand: Telemedicine in the 21st Century

What: A multi-speaker presentation series with a question period and networking following the talks. Light refreshments are included
When: 6:00 – 7:30 PM, March 10, 2016
Where: Hardwick Hall, MSAC (2750 Heather St)

Please RSVP here

More Information:
This event brings together a clinician, a policy expert, and an industry pioneer to talk about the role of telemedicine in BC today. It looks to be an exciting panel that will be discussing the future of telemedicine in the province, and how physicians will be integrating this innovative modality of care delivery into their practice. There will also be a live demo of the QHR/Medeo telemedicine platform at the event!

The speakers for this event are as follows:

Dr. Eric Cadesky MD CM, CCFP is the VP Business Development for Medeo/QHR Digital Health Services. Marc will be speaking about the Medeo platform and doing a demonstration of the platform.
Full-service Family Physician, The Doctors’ Office

Clinical Assistant Professor, The University of British Columbia
Medical Coordinator, Louis Brier Home and Hospital
Honorary Secretary Treasurer, Board of Directors, Doctors of British Columbia
Chair, Practice Survival Skills Conference, The University of British Columbia

Mr. Patrick Wong is the Information Technologies Manager for Doctors of BC. He oversees technical projects that impact the performance, privacy, and security of province-wide health networks (especially pertaining to the use of video conferencing). He has over 25 years of experience working with Information Technologies in the healthcare industry, and has consulted for various health authorities across BC (VCH, FHA, IHA).

Mr. Marc Faktor’s professional passion lies at the intersection of innovation, technology, positive disruption and healthcare. He is a thought leader responsible for driving growth in the digital health industry as well as a force behind the evolution of virtual care in Canada and beyond. Business development with a purpose fuels his desire to contribute to a healthier world.Marc leads the sales and business development for virtual care, and new digital health innovation at QHR Technologies Inc. He brings over a decade of experience in preventative health and interdisciplinary medicine to his craft and has worked with thousands of providers and organizations to improve the delivery of care.

Outside of the office you will find Marc swinging a fly on the river, walking the golf course with his clubs on his back or getting active with his pup.

We hope that you can make it out to the TiM Talk! For questions or comments, please email ubctimclub@gmail.com. We look forwarding to seeing you soon!


Newsletter – Oct, 2015

Hi everyone,

The UBC Technology in Medicine Club (TiM Club) will be hosting two hands-on workshops on laparoscopic surgery and robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery. If you missed out last year, here’s another chance!

What: Robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery and laparoscopic surgery workshop
When: 5:00 – 6:30 pm and 6:30 – 8:00 pm on Thursday, March 31st

Where: Basement of Vancouver General Hospital

Enter the lottery for seats by signing up here by 11:59PM Saturday, October 17. Drawn names will be notified on Sunday, October 18

More information:

Dr. Christopher Nguan, a practicing urologist at VGH, will teach the basic techniques of both robot-assisted and manual laparoscopic surgery. After that you’ll get to sit in the driver seat of the da Vinci Si surgical robot (picture attached) and try out some surgical tasks.  You’ll also get to do the same using conventional/manual laparoscopic surgicalinstruments. The event will be held in the biomedical engineering department in the basement of VGH and pizza will be provided.

The workshop is open to both medical and engineering students. We will randomly select 34 students to participate in the workshops. Please note that we cannot accommodate more than that although we wish we could. For med students: unfortunately, this workshop will not be offered at the distributed medical sites. 

Save the date! We’ll be having a TiM Talk on November 5th on eHealth at the Medical Student Alumni Centre! More details to follow in the upcoming weeks.

For questions or comments, please email ubctimclub@gmail.com. We look forwarding to seeing you October 22nd!



Newsletter – Mar. 2015


The TiM Club is excited to host a lecture with Dr. Robin Coope and Dr. Robert Meek, who will be discussing the partnership between engineers and clinicians for the development of an orthopaedic trauma implant.

Joint development of a new surgical implant for the fixation of displaced pelvic ring fractures

Speakers: Dr. Robin Coope, and Dr. Robert Meek (see bios below)
Location: MSAC – Medical Student & Alumni Centre (Room will be specified later), 2750 Heather Street, Vancouver, BC
Time: March 9th, 6:00 pm

If you are thinking of attending, please RSVP here. We hope to see many of you there!

The pelvic ring is the area of the body between the spine and legs. It is a ring structure composed of bone and strong ligaments. When it is fractured and needs to be repaired, the fractured pieces need to be put back into the correct position and strongly held there by some mechanically strong device until the fractures and ligamentous injuries heal.
Drs. Meek, Coope and colleagues are collaborating on the development of an innovative way to stabilize the curved pelvic ring after it is fractured. This collaboration started in 2010 and promising early results led to the technology being licensed and expanded funding via co-funded grants and now start up company. This project truly illustrates a collaborative effort by the sciences of Medicine and Engineering and the value of doing commercial clinical technology development in close collaboration with institutional partners.


Robin Coope – PhD (UBC ’06) PEng
Dr. Robin Coope is the Group Leader for Instrumentation at the BC Cancer Agency Genome Sciences Centre. He is a co-director of the Genome BC Technology Development Platform, and has 20 years of research and technology development experience.

Robert N. Meek – BSc (UBC ’64), MD (UBC ’68), FRCSC – Orthopaedic Surgery 1974
Dr. Robert N. Meek is a clinical professor emeritus for the faculty of medicine at UBC in the Division of Orthopaedic Trauma. He has 30+ years of clinical practice, teaching, and clinical research experience in his field. He is a former head Division of Orthopaedic Trauma for UBC & VGH, as well as the former chief of staff at VGH.

UBC Technology in Medicine Club

Our mailing address is:
UBC TiM Club
2332 Main Mall
Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1Z4

Newsletter – Nov. 2014

November, 2014

Hello all,

The Technology in Medicine Club is hosting the hands-on robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery and laparoscopic surgery workshop from 5:30pm-6:30pm and 6:30pm-7:30pm on Friday, November 14th. Dr. Christopher Nguan, a practicing urologist at VGH, will teach the basic techniques of both robot-assisted and manual laparoscopic surgery. After that you’ll get to sit in the driver seat of the da Vinci Si surgical robot and try out some surgical tasks. You’ll also get to do the using conventional/manual laparoscopic surgical instruments. The event will be held in the biomedical engineering department in the basement of VGH and a light dinner will be offered.

If you are interested, please sign up here by Saturday November 8th. To give workshop participants a chance to try out the surgical equipment the number or participants will be limited to 16 students per one hour workshop. We will email everyone that signs up by Tuesday November 11th to confirm the final list of participants.

The workshop is open to both medical and engineering students. Unfortunately this workshop will not be offered at the distributed medical sites. However, we have reserved five spots for distributed site students (this includes the 1st year distributed site students who are currently at UBC-V).

We look forward to seeing you on November 14th, 2014!


The Technology in Medicine team
Co-Presidents: Ricky, Jorden and Philip
Vice-Presidents: Golden, Greg and Julie