Hello Everyone,
The UBC Technology in Medicine Club (TiM Club) will be hosting a hands-on workshop on laparoscopic surgery and robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery with the Da Vinci robot.
What: Robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery and laparoscopic surgery workshop
When: 6:00-7:30 pm and 7:30 – 9:00 pm on Thursday, November 3rd
Where: Basement of Vancouver General Hospital
Enter the lottery for seats by signing up by 11:59PM Saturday, October 29th at the following link: https://goo.gl/forms/ueEG4fJg0mIvI2503. Drawn names will be notified on Sunday, October 30th.
More information:
Dr. Christopher Nguan, a practicing urologist at VGH, will teach the basic techniques of both robot-assisted and manual laparoscopic surgery. After that you’ll get to sit in the driver seat of the da Vinci Si surgical robot (picture attached) to try out a surgical task. Another station will involve a surgical resident teaching you basic suturing skills. The event will be held in the biomedical engineering department of VGH and pizza will be provided.
The workshop is open to both medical and engineering students. We will randomly select 48 students to participate in the workshops. Please note that we cannot accommodate more than that although we wish we could. For med students: unfortunately, this workshop will not be offered at the distributed medical sites.
Save the date! We’ll be having a TiM Talk on November 30th on technology in global health at the Medical Student Alumni Centre! More details to follow in the upcoming weeks.
For questions or comments, please email ubctimclub@gmail.com. We look forwarding to seeing you on November 3rd!
TiM Club
(For more information, please see our website: https://blogs.ubc.ca/techinmed/ )