Lee, Yu-Ling. (2011). Information and Reality: Introduction to Albert Borgmann.” Presentation focusing on technology and learning. Delivered at SSHRC funded Learning Technologies and Media Across the Lifespan Project.
Lee, Yu-Ling. (2011). Masters of Theology thesis. Presentation delivered at Regent College.
Lee, Yu-Ling. (2008). For the Beauty of the Earth. Presentation focusing on environmental care. Delivered at several churches in Greater Toronto.
Lee, Yu-Ling. (2008). Media: How it Influences You. Presentation focusing on digital media and its influences on youth. Delivered at Teens Conference 2008 and several churches in Greater Toronto.
Brennan, K., Feng, F., Hall, L. & Petrina, S. (2007, 13 October). Technology, religion, spirituality and the sacred. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Social Studies of Science, Montreal, QC, 11-13 October. (8 pp.)
Petrina, S. (2006, December 7). On techno-theology and the sacred: Exploring technology and spirituality. Keynote address given at the 4th Biennial International Conference on Technology Education Research. Brisbane, QLD.
Feng, F. (2004). The case for reviving existentialism in education: Bridging the language of abstraction to concrete lived praxis of the lifeworld. Paper presented at the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) conference, University of Manitoba.
Feng, F (2002). The Price of forgetting Nature: Silence as subversion, Reclaiming traces of nature through emergent critical narrative. Paper presented at North-West Philosophy of Education Conference, University of British Columbia.