This podcast, created by Kedrick James, is an abridged compilation of the interviews conducted as a part of the Teacher Education for All Podcast series. This podcast addresses the inclusion of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) in UBC’s Bachelor of Education Program and looks specifically at the role of informal discussion, language use, and integration of SOGI across the curriculum. These interviews were conducted in 2017-2018 as a part of the TEFA curriculum mapping research study and in it you will hear the voices of Education faculty and staff involved in the creation and delivery of teacher education at UBC. Contributors include (in alphabetical order) Rod Brown, Wendy Carr, Shawna Faber, Derek Gladwin, Mona Gleason, Annette Henry, Lisa Loutzenheiser, Lori MacIntosh, Marianne McTavish, Amy Metcalfe, Steve Mulligan, Kerry Renwick, Leslie Roman, Sandra Scott, and John Yamamoto.
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About this Resource
This website contains podcasts of interviews with UBC Faculty of Education scholars discussing the implementation of SOGI (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity) education and curriculum. It is intended as a resource for those studying related topics and for teachers and teacher candidates seeking useful ideas for the integration of SOGI related topics, readings, and so on in their curriculum and instruction. These interviews took place between over the 2016-2017 academic year and were conducted by Lori MacIntosh and Kedrick James. For further information on the Teacher Education for All! project, please visit this website.
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